- However our persistent proposals to the Georgian side to conclude agreements with Abkhazia and South Ossetia on the nonuse of force remained unanswered. 然而,我們堅持不懈地向喬治亞方面提出的關於與阿布哈茲和南奧塞梯簽署不使用武力協議的建議卻始終得不到回答。
- The equilibrium of force must be established in Europe. 必須確立歐洲的均勢。
- The plea of Force Majeure may never be invoked. 不得以不可抗力為由進行抗辯。
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是導致失敗的原因。
- So long as I can make good my threat, they'll lay off the use of force. 只要我能實現我的威嚇計劃,他們一定會停止使用武力。
- To frighten with threats or a show of force. 用威脅或顯示武力的手段嚇唬
- nonuse of force [法] 不使用武力
- The exercise was intended as a show of force. 這次演習為的是炫耀武力。
- We have to draw off because of losses of forces. 傷亡太大,我們不得不撤退。
- However, the mere nonuse of an asset is insufficient. 然而,純粹停止使用一項資產是不足以對其進行減值的。
- I don't hold with the use of force. 我不贊成使用武力。
- There was almost a ton of force behind them. 長牙的後面是大約1噸的重力。
- Multilateral Constraints on the Use of Force. 論武力動用的多邊制約:一個重述。
- Magnetic lines of force do exist though invisible. 磁力線雖然看不見,但確實存在。
- What are the dimensions of force? 力的量綱是什麼?
- Characterized by or full of force; effective. 強有力的以力量為特徵的或充滿力量的; 有效的
- The second division flanks on the main of force. 第二師位於主力部隊的側面。
- Organic farms incurred lower production costs because of their nonuse of pesticides and more expensive fertilizers. 有機農場因不用農藥和較貴的化肥,故生產費用較低。
- A lever is a tool with the economy of force. 槓桿是一種省力工具。
- The summation of forces in this and that directions must be zero. 在這個和那個方向上的合力必定為零。