- They were laughing and joking with their friends. 他們正在和朋友們嬉笑。
- She was laughing and joking with the children. 她同孩子們一起嘻嘻哈哈地說笑話。
- She was laughing and crying at the same time. 她又哭又笑。
- She was laughing and crying by turns for nearly half an hour. 她一會兒哭,一會兒笑,差不多有半個小時。
- The children are laughing and playing on their way to the picnic. 孩子們在去野炊的路上一直嬉笑著,玩耍著。
- The two girls were laughing and joking as they walked arm in arm down the street. 兩位姑娘有說有笑地挽著臂沿街走去。
- She burst out laughing and then checked herself. 她突然爆笑起來,然後又突然止住。
- During those three short days, my heart was laughing and I was so happy all the time! 那幾天,我的心裡一直在笑,從來沒有過的!
- You cannot laugh and be unkind at the same time. 你無法同時歡笑和殘忍。
- The two sisters were laughing and joking as they walked arm in arm down the street. 這姐妹倆臂挽臂有說有笑地沿街走去。
- Honey-tongued, crammer be laughing and playing, it is acceptance only not future. 甜言蜜語,謊言嬉笑,只是承諾不了未來。
- Peter choked back his laugh and pretend to be sad. 皮特強忍住他的笑意,裝出悲傷的樣子。
- Sally and Jean were laughing and joking as they walked arm in arm down the street. 薩利和瓊有說有笑地,臂挽著臂沿街走去。
- During the whole game, Bonzi, Novak, Mutumbo, and Padgett were laughing and supporting the rest of the team. 棒子,州長,大叔和帕基特整場比賽都在給場上的其他球員加油。
- Then I told him to touch his date on the arm when they she was laughing and especially when he playfully teased her. 然後我告訴他,當他的女人笑的時候,特別是當他取笑玩弄她的時候,要有身體接觸。
- Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviour at a funeral. 在葬禮上發笑或開玩笑是失禮的行為。
- He'll be laughing on the other side of his face when he reads this letter. 他看到這封信就要轉喜為悲了。
- I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. 我寧願被嘲笑,也不願和他吵架。
- Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviors at a funeral. 在葬禮上發笑或開玩笑是失禮的行為。
- We are laughing at the clown's silly antics. 我們因小丑笨拙的動作而發笑。