- Be imperceptibly influenced by what one constantly sees and hears. 耳朵經常聽到,眼睛經常看到,不知不覺受到影響。
- The riot was inspired by extremists. 暴亂是由極端主義者鼓動的。
- His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. 他最好的樂曲創作靈感來自懷念他的母親。
- Inspired by what he said, we are determined to study harder. 在他的話的鼓舞下,我們決心更加努力學習。
- The prophecies of the Bible substantiate its claim to be inspired by God. 應驗了的預言有力地證明了聖經的確是上帝所靈示的。
- Suddenly Mrs. Grange seemed to be attacked by what one could only describe as a nerve storm. 突然,格蘭奇太太好象發作起來了:這種情況只能叫做神經混亂症。
- It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Emphasizing that what one sees by oneself is more convincible and impressive. 聽人說上一百次也不如親眼看一次。強調親眼看到了才更有信服或印象深。
- I guess the boy has been inspired by somebody else. 我猜這個孩子是受別人唆使的。
- Read biographies of successful people to be inspired by their lives. 閱讀傳記成功受到啟發人們的生命.
- We really should be inspired by the fact that the Kakapo is still with us. 我們真的應該為梟鸚依然與人類生活在一起而歡欣鼓舞。
- Inspired by what he saw, Akrit read everything he could on the topic. 他的靈感就來源於他所看見的,在一個專題上他能盡其所能的閱讀每一個相關的知識。
- "O'Neill's plays were inspired by Greek tragedy. 「奧尼爾創作戲劇的靈感源自希臘悲劇。
- Have you been inspired by Dark Messiah? 你受到啟發黑暗彌賽亞?
- What one sees at the entrance is only a small square court behind the front vestibule and the beginning of a narrow dark passage. 在我們經入口處進入留園后。我站在這個前廳里所看到的只是一個不大四方的庭院和一條又狹窄和灰暗的走廊的一端。
- Both Scarlatti and Chopin were inspired by cats. 斯卡拉蒂和肖邦都受到過貓的啟示。
- The French Revolution was inspired by the bourgeois. 法國革命受到中產階級的鼓勵。
- The crime was inspired by those sexy movies shown on TV. 這一犯罪行為是由電視上演的那些色情電影造成的。
- One could affect their luck for the entire year by what one did on this Video Door Phone . 人們在這天所做的事情可以影響他們整年的運氣。
- Honestly, I never thought I could be inspired by the speeches of political leaders. 說真的,我從沒想到自己會受到政要人物的演說而得到啟迪;
- Honestly,I never thought I could be inspired by the speeches of political leaders. 說真的,我從沒想到自己會受到政要人物的演說而得到啟迪。