- May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age. 願你倆永浴愛河,祝你倆幸福與年俱增。
- An item can only be in one group at a time. 在同一時間,一個項只能屬於一個組。
- Only one can be in effect at a time. 每次僅一個有效。
- Only one thread can be in this state at a time. 一次只能有一個線程處於此狀態。
- A page can be in only one display mode at a time. 一個頁一次只能處於一種顯示模式中。
- I was in love with a very pretty girl. 我愛上了一個漂亮姑娘。
- Ashley couldn't, couldn't be in love with her. 艾希禮不會愛上她。 誰也不會的。
- I was in love with a midget's mother. 我愛上了侏儒的母親。
- Jack: I might be in love with another woman. 傑克:我也許愛上別的女人了。
- How could anyone not be in love with her? 怎麼可能會有人不愛她呢?(她可是萬人迷.;)
- They first met at a masque when both were in funny costumes. 他們第一次見面是在一個化裝舞會上,兩人都穿著很滑稽的服飾。
- To be in love is to surpass oneself. 人在愛中超越自我。
- Dick has been in seventh heaven ever since he fell in love. 迪克自從戀愛以來一直就覺得異常幸福。
- I was in my salad day then, and fell in love easily. 我那時年紀輕、涉世未深,極易墮入情網。
- I was in my salad days then, and fell in love easily. 我那時年紀輕、 涉世未深,極易墮入情網。
- One day I am in stray,I am at a lose. 某一天我處在彷徨之中,我不知所措。
- She knew she was in love with Henry, from the first. 從一開始她就知道自己愛上了亨利。
- She knew she was in love with Henry, from the very first. 從一開始她就知道自己愛上了亨利。
- A and B are in love with each other.; A falls in love with B. 甲與乙戀愛。
- For a man to become a poet he must be in love, or miserable. 一個人要戀愛或潦倒才可成為詩人。