- Hungary is one of European frailest economies, relies on the foreign capital, the government budget high quota deficit, the country to be heavily in debt seriously. 匈牙利是歐洲最脆弱的經濟體之一,嚴重依賴外資、政府預算高額赤字、國家債台高築。
- Rural some villages are heavily in debt, return some villages to take usurious, farmer burden decreases no less than going to all the time, its origin is on financial management. 農村有些村負債纍纍,還有的村拿高利貸,農民負擔一直減不下去,其根子就在財務治理上。
- It is whispered(ie There is a rumour) that he is heavily in debt. 據說他負債纍纍。
- The company was heavily in hock to the banks. 這家公司欠了銀行大筆借款。
- It is whispered that he is heavily in debt. 據說他負債纍纍。
- His business is heavily in debt. 他的公司欠了很多債。
- be heavily in debt; be up to one's eyes in debt 背了一屁股債
- I'm heavily in debt at the moment,but hope to be out of debt when I get paid. 眼下我負債纍纍,但總希望在拿到工錢時,統統還清。
- With the Third World so heavily in debt,how will its people be able to survive? 南北問題不解決,第三世界負債那麼多,日子怎麼過啊!
- I'm heavily in debt at the moment, but hope to be out of debt when I get paid. 現在我欠債很多;但希望在我發了工資以後能付清。
- With the Third World so heavily in debt, how will its people be able to survive? 南北問題不解決,第三世界負債那麼多,日子怎麼過啊!
- He has lived beyond his means for years, and now is heavily in debt. 多年來他生活一直入不敷出,現在已債務累累。
- After the just-concluded mid-term election, two ruling party candidates for the Senate have admitted openly that they are already heavily in debt. 兩名在剛結束的中期選舉中角逐參議院議席的執政黨候選人,曾公開承認他們已欠下一大堆債。
- She pretends that everything in the garden is rosy, but I've heard that she's heavily in debt. 她假裝一切都很順利,我卻聽說她負債纍纍。
- Our men were heavily defeated in the battle. 我軍在此戰役中受到重創。
- Mr Alford ended up in jail when addictions to gambling and alcohol led him to become heavily in debt. 艾佛德沉迷賭博並且酗酒,讓他負債纍纍,最後終於坐牢。
- Pass do sth over and over again one time this, wang Yu is heavily in debt already, impecunious. 經過這一番折騰,汪宇早已負債纍纍,身無分文。
- After the just-concluded mid-term election,two ruling party candidates for the Senate have admitted openly that they are already heavily in debt. 兩名在剛結束的中期選舉中角逐參議院議席的執政黨候選人,曾公開承認他們已欠下一大堆債。
- Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 揮霍浪費者最後往往負債。
- Those who dissented from Anglican teachings could be heavily fined. 反對英國國教教義的人在過去可判巨額罰款。