- After a hard day's work, the poor girl was half dead with tiredness. 一天艱苦勞動之後,那個可憐的女孩都要累死了。
- The little boy was half dead from hunger. 那小男孩餓得半死。
- The boy was half dead from hunger. 那男孩已經餓得半死了。
- The master tried to explain the matter; but he was really half dead with fatigue. 主人想把事情解釋一下,可是他真的累得半死。
- A countryman returning home one winter's day, found a snake by the hedge-side, half dead with cold. 一個寒冷的冬天.有個農夫在回家的路上,看見柵欄旁邊有一條凍僵了的蛇。
- I was that day shown to twelve sets of company, and as often forced to act over again the same fopperies, till I was half dead with weariness and vexation; 那天我一共表演了十二場,常常被迫一遍又一遍地重複那些舞刀弄槍的把戲,累得我有氣無力,苦不堪言。
- I was near dead with fright. 我幾乎給嚇死了。
- Dead with fright. 我幾乎給嚇死了。
- Having run a few rounds after her I quit, thinking it is pointless to chase her like that because, by the time I capture her, the bird will have been half dead. 來回跑了幾次,我不追了。 追上也沒用了,我想,小鳥至少已半死了。
- To cause to be overcome, as with fright or astonishment. 嚇倒,使為難使為難,如因害怕或驚嚇
- A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he got into the hands of thieves, who took his clothing and gave him cruel blows, and when they went away, he was half dead. 有一個人從耶路撒冷下耶利哥去、落在強盜手中、他們剝去他的衣裳、把他打個半死、就丟下他走了。
- He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost. 他嚇得直哆嗦,就好像看見了鬼一樣。
- Better be half hanged than ill wed. 與其成怨偶,不如守單身。
- The child was out of his wits with fright. 那孩子嚇得茫然失措。
- Her heart beat madly with fright. 她驚得心慌亂跳。
- The children trembled with fright. 孩子們被嚇得發抖。
- I refuse to be seen dead with my brother after what he has done. 我弟弟幹了那事後,我真厭惡與他在一起。
- In the lonely darkness he shivered with fright. 他在毫無聲息的黑暗裡怕得全身發顫。
- Her face was ghostly pale with fright. 她嚇得面色慘白。
- Hearing the news, we turned pale with fright. 聽到這消息后,我們驚駭失色。