- No men can be compelled to criminate himself. 任何人都不能自證己罪。
- He was compelled by illness to give up his studies. 他因病被迫放棄學業。
- No one may be compelled to belong to an association. 任何人不得迫使隸屬於某一團體。
- The UK owner cannot be compelled to repatriate foreign earnings. 英國業主不必繳回在國外獲得的利潤。
- The injured left forward was compelled to sit out the rest of the play. 受傷的左前鋒只好退出比賽,在剩下的時間裡坐在一旁。
- The injured right halfback was compelled to sit out the rest of the play. 受傷的右中衛只好退出比賽,在剩下的時間裡坐在一旁。
- These goods were compelled restitution. 這些物品被責令退回。
- He was compelled to liquidate his securities. 他被迫將債券變換成現金。
- If you can't keep your promises,I shall be compelled to sue you in a law-court. 如果您不能信守諾言,我將被迫上法院告您。
- In the old society, he was compelled to fend for himself at the age of14. 在舊社會,他十四歲時就被迫自己獨立謀生。
- In1937 he was compelled to bind out his twelve- year-old son to a blacksmith. 一九三七年他不得不訂合同讓他十二歲的兒子給鐵匠當學徒。
- The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms. 敵人被迫放下武器。
- He was compelled by illness to resign. 他因病被迫辭職。
- He was compelled to join the union as a condition of getting the job. 作為獲得該工作的先決條件,他被迫加入了工會。
- I was compelled to (ie I had to) acknowledge the force of his argument. 我不得不承認他的論據有力。
- Brunel was compelled to admit failure. 布魯內爾被迫承認失敗。
- If you can't keep your promise, I shall be compelled to sue you in a law-court. 如果您不能信守諾言,我將被迫上法院告您。
- He was compelled to bring this action. 他是不得已而起訴的。
- They were compelled to abjure their faith. 他們被迫發誓放棄自己的信仰。
- If smog gets too Bad people will Be compelled to wear gas masks on the streets. 如果煙霧太多,人們在街道上將不得不戴上防毒面具。