- His father is close on ninety years of age. 他的父親將近九十歲。
- He is close on ninety years of age . 他快90歲了。
- Brevet was a person sixty years of age, who had a sort of business man's face, and the air of a rascal.The two sometimes go together. 布萊衛是個六十左右的人,面目象個企業主,神氣象流氓,有時是會有那種巧合的。
- Lineal ascendant(s) of the taxpayer and his (her) spouse having attained sixty years of age, or being incapable of earning a livelihood and being supported by the taxpayer. 一)納稅義務人及其配偶之直系尊親屬,年滿六十歲,或無謀生能力,受納稅義務人扶養者。
- Huang Qineng fills the gas of lienal lung, to fill gas wants drug; The research that modern medicine learns thinks, enhance body immunity force head turns yellow over sixty years of age. 黃耆能補脾肺之氣,為補氣要葯;現代藥學的研究認為,增強身體免疫力首推黃耆。
- Pressure, make the immune system of our body be between the beetle and the block, introduce here " soup of big jujube of medlar of yellow over sixty years of age " , tipple is OK defend our immune system. 壓力,使我們身體的免疫系統岌岌可危,在此介紹「黃耆枸杞大棗湯」,常喝可以捍衛我們的免疫系統。
- Near the table, upon which Marius descried a pen, ink, and paper, sat a man about sixty years of age, small, thin, livid, haggard, with a cunning, cruel, and uneasy air;a hideous scoundrel. 桌子旁坐著一個六十來歲的男人,馬呂斯望見桌上有鵝翎筆、墨水和紙張,那男子是個瘦小個子,臉色蠟黃,眼睛陰狠,神態尖刁、兇惡而惶惑不安,是個壞透了頂的惡棍。
- The child is six, going on seven years of age. 這個孩子現在六歲,快到七歲了
- One would guess him to be seventy years of age. 人們會以為他有七十歲了。
- I don't know exactly how old he is,but he must be close on forty. 我不知道他的確切年齡,但他肯定快40歲了。
- You must be at least 13 years of age to register. 你必須是登記的至少13歲。
- He is close upon ninety years of age . 他和她關係親密。
- The child is six,going on seven years of age. 這個孩子現在六歲,快到七歲了
- All needle valves must be closed on test kit. 檢測組件上的所有針形閥必須關閉。
- You need to be over 18 years of age. 你需要年滿18歲!
- Tom was closing on the leading runner. 湯姆逐漸追上跑在前面的人。
- I figured him to be about thirty years of age. 我猜想他大約30歲。
- The final was close on each game. 決賽的每局比分都很接近。
- He cannot be under thirty years of age. 他的年齡不會小於三十歲。
- The conference was closed on June 10. 會議於六月十日結束。