- His eldest son was careless and extravagant. 他的大兒子是個無所用心、揮霍無度的人。
- Her behaviour to Mr. Rushworth was careless and cold. 她對羅什渥茲先生漫不經心,態度冷淡。
- He failed his examination because his work was careless and full of mistakes. 他沒考及格,因為他考試毫不用心,卷子錯誤百出。
- His manner was cold and indifferent. 他的態度既冷淡又無動於衷。
- Women and children can be careless, but not man. 女人和小孩可以粗心,但男人不能。
- "His carelessness and indifference touch me to the heart," said Julie. 「看他那種漫不經心的樣子我的心都碎了,」尤莉說。
- Her sister's flat was clean. This place was grimy and low, the girls were careless and hardened. They must be bad-minded and hearted, she imagined. 她姐姐家的房子也是乾乾淨淨的。可這地方低矮骯髒,女工們一個個弔兒郎當,一副老油子的樣子。她猜想他們一定思想人品都很壞。
- But in the oil interests, this kind of threat should not be careless and indiscreet, because they come from the position of strength. 本周西方石油巨擘有關成本措施種種激動人心的說法,都不應掩蓋一個事實:即它們都難以實現增長。
- We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). 我們從經驗中發現,粗心的寫作者通常也是馬虎的思考者(我敢打包票)。
- We should be warm towards our comrades, not cold and indifferent. 對同志要滿腔熱忱,不能冷冷淡淡,漠不關心。
- Why they should be killed by those who drove careless and drunk? 為何他們被粗心大意俬機所害?
- Women and children carp afford to be careless, men cannot. 在於這類事情的時候要顯出從容不迫的樣子。
- Allowing for my learned friend's appearance being careless and slovenly if not debauched, they were sufficiently like each other to surprise, not only the witness, but everybody present, when they were thus brought into comparison. 除了我這位有學問的朋友有點不修邊幅(如果不算是有失體面的話)之外,他和囚犯確實是一模一祥。 把兩人一比較,不但叫那證人大吃了一驚,就是在場所有的人也都大吃了一驚。
- It was careless of you to lose my car keys. 你實在太粗心,把我的車鑰匙弄丟了。
- It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. 你沒鎖門,太粗心了。
- His father reminds him not to be careless. 他父親提醒他不要馬虎。
- He is very careless and works badly. 他非常粗心,工作做得不好。
- It is a pity that you should be careless. 真遺憾,你竟會粗心大意。
- Daniel, don't be careless in the examination. 大牛,考試可不能馬馬虎虎啊。
- The swift and indifferent placidity of that look troubled me. 那一掃而過的冷漠沉靜的目光使我深感不安。