- A blood thirsty demon who's stalking the street. 我就像一個嗜血的惡魔闊步走在街上巡找獵物。
- Improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers. 萍水相逢的朋友歃血結成生死與共的兄弟。
- There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers. 在那裡,萍水相逢的朋友結成了生死與共的兄弟。
- Being chased by molten lava, blood thirsty animals and savages was a small price to pay for freedom. 受熔岩漿、嗜血動物和野人追逐是換取自由的一個小小代價。
- Being chased by 4)molten 5)lava, blood thirsty animals and savages was a small price to pay for freedom. 受熔岩漿、嗜血動物和野人追逐是換取自由的一個小小代價。
- Being chased by 4)molten 5)lava, blood thirsty a**ls and savages was a small price to pay for freedom. 受熔岩漿、嗜血動物和野人追逐是換取自由的一個小小代價。
- Joe and Judy are blood relations. 喬和朱迪有血緣關係。
- A group of teenagers who, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up releasing a horde of blood thirsty zombies. 幾個少年試圖從一家邪惡的公司救出他們的朋友,結果卻釋放出了一大批嗜血的活死人。
- Tolstoy's grand theme in War and Peace was the sinking of Napoleon in Pierre Bezukhov's mind from liberal deliverer of Europe to blood thirsty invader of Russia. 托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》的偉大主題使拿破崙在彼爾·別竺豪夫的心目中一落千丈,從拯救歐洲自由主義救世主一降而為入侵俄羅斯的嗜血侵略者。
- Can be leukaemia infected? How to if infect that,infect? Can be blood infected? 白血病會不會傳染?如果傳染那是怎樣傳染的?血液會傳染么?
- There was blood on the pavement! 人行道上的血!
- Sometimes he is a human and sensitive hero, at other times he is melodramatically violent, cold-bloodedly callous, or even gleefully blood thirsty, both in word and deed. 有時候哈姆雷特是一個感性人物,具有人文特點,可是另外時候他卻任性胡鬧,喜歡暴力,冷酷無情,甚至極度嗜血。這些特點都可以從哈姆雷特的言語和行動中展示出來。
- Are blood type and surname irrespective? 血型和姓氏沒關係吧?
- This will be her first match for her country; she hasn't yet been blooded. 她將首次代表國家參賽,這是破題兒第一遭。
- Love and hatred are blood relations. 愛和恨是有血緣關係的。
- Conclusions In order to ensure the detection rate of acid-fast bacilli, the sputum specimens should be blood... 結論痰液標本檢測抗酸桿菌時,建議患者留取膿性或血性痰,以確保抗酸桿菌檢出的陽性率。
- He's just being blooded at the game. 他初出茅廬參加這次比賽。
- He won best actor for "There Will Be Blood";she won best supporting actress for "Michael Clayton. 丹尼爾因為血色黑金獲得最佳男演員獎,蒂爾達因為麥克爾克萊頓獲得最佳女配角獎。
- Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game. 哲瑞米是初出茅廬,所以我們並不指望他在這次比賽中表現得很好。
- Are blood capillary burst and blood capillary dilate same?? 毛細血管破裂和毛細血管擴張一樣嗎??