- They mostly have the disposition such as qulek-witted suave, tenacious, being adaptable to the situation and the extremely big toughness, just like the city of Shanghai. 文章以幾個具體女性形象為例淺析王安憶作品中的女性和城市的關係。
- The book has been adapted to the needs of children. 這書是為迎合兒童之需要而改寫的。
- Living creatures must be adaptable to the environment. 生物必須能適應環境。
- Therefore, mod-ern machine tools must be adaptable to the specific characteristics of the materials to be pro-cessed. 因此,現代化的機床必須能適應被加工材料的特殊性能,並儘可能做到安全和經濟地進行加工。
- To be adaptable to dramatic form. 被改編成戲劇形式
- Can you match up to the situation? 你能對付得了這種局面嗎?
- The new students are very slow to adapt to the rules. 新生對於那些規定適應得很慢。
- Recruiting, briefing and infiltration must be adapted to the peculiarities of the existing situation. 新兵簡明的做下通報就必須適應這現有的狀況。
- Your treatment to the subject should be adapted to your audience . 你對這個題目的闡述應適應聽眾的需要。
- So, in order to adapt to the situation, the Kennedy administration increased the economic assistance for Africa. 因此,肯尼迪總統適應形勢的需要,加大了對非洲經濟援助的力度。
- You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社會中生活就要遵循社會行為準則。
- Your treatment to the subject should be adapted to your audience. 你對這個題目的闡述應適應聽眾的需要。
- His first step Ms to adapt to the situation and keep his acquisitive partners from selling whet he had started to the highest bidder. 他採取的第一步是適應局面並阻止那些貪婪的合伙人把他創立的學校賣給出價最高的人。
- It's time you awake to the realities of the situation. 該是你認識形勢的真實情況的時候了。
- Of course the situation is different with the flyaway races where I usually leave home on the Monday or Tuesday to adapt to the different climate and time zone. 當然根據路程的遠近也會做調整,有時會周一或周二出發來適應氣候和時差。
- These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. 這些式樣均可改動以適應個人不同的愛好。
- He was forced to face up to the situation. 他只好勇敢地面對這種局面。
- This book should be adapted to the comprehensive ability of the freshmen. 應該將本書改寫一下,以便適合新生的理解能力。
- He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation. 他還沒意識到情況的嚴重性。
- The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts. 這土壤適宜於花生的生長。