- An open fight between factions happened last night. 昨晚發生了火併。
- It's the latest in a series of battles between the Molo and Nuer ethnic groups. 這是最新發生的莫洛族和努爾族之間的衝突。
- Usually it will be battles between Buzzers to gain the upper hand on these. 通常這會通過蜂群間得對戰來決出勝者。
- It gives them flexibility in policymaking and makes it easier for them to forge compromises between factions. 這給予了他們在政策制定上的靈活性,並且使得他們在不同派系之間達成妥協。
- At the beginning, I snuck by an ongoing battle between the two factions and fought my way through some guards to find a gate. 在開始時,我藉助一次正在進行的由內訌引起的戰爭潛行並通過幾個警衛,打出了一條路去找到大門。
- This was a recurrent battle between them. 這是他倆之間經常發生的爭吵。
- Gaza was hit2 months ago by an unprecedented wave of kidnappings and gun battles between militants and security forces. 史無前例的武裝派別和巴方安全部隊之間的互相綁架和槍戰使得加沙地帶這二個月來一直處於動蕩不安之中。
- This came after a ceasefire agreement announced late Friday, a deadly day of battles between the two sides. 上周五是雙方戰爭傷亡慘重的一天,而在該天宣布停火協議之後發生了周六的槍戰。
- Shootout n. A battle between military forces. 戰段:軍隊之間的戰鬥。
- Ideological battles between free-marketeers and left-wingers threaten to impede reform. 自由市場商人與左派分子之間的意識形態鬥爭可能阻礙改革推進。
- An aerial battle between fighter planes. 空戰戰鬥機的空中戰鬥
- The LP Store now contains a wide variety of new offers for implants, factional hardware and blueprints. Offers vary between factions and between corporations within a faction. 忠誠點商店包含了各類新的植入體、勢力裝備、藍圖獎勵。提供的物品根據不同的勢力和不同的軍團而不同。
- Their community cave dwelling, uses the rough stone implement, crosses gathering and the hunting life, knew can preserve the kindling material with the open fight between factions. 他們群體 穴居,使用粗糙的石器,過採集和狩獵生活,知道用火 並能保存火種。
- At least 90 inmates are reported to have been killed in battles between drug gangs at a prison in Northern Mexico. 據報道墨西哥以北一處監獄內,毒品團伙之間發生暴亂,至少有90人在此次事件中喪生。
- This sets the stage for long, fierce battles between different classes of creditor. 因此不同陣營的債權人之間,會進行長期而激烈的角力。
- In Sri Lanka, armed battles between Buddhist Sinhalese and Hindu Tamils have taken many lives on both sides. 在斯里蘭卡,信佛教的僧伽羅人和信印地教的泰米爾人的武裝戰役對雙方都造成了傷亡。
- It took three hours of gun battles between police and militants to finally bring the situation in Lahore under control. 警方與好戰分子之間進行了三個小時的槍戰之後才最終將拉合爾的形勢控制住。
- Frozen Land will be battles between two big alliances rather than tribes. We expect to see more team play and more exciting battles. 冰封谷會變成不同聯盟之間的戰鬥場所。我們期待能夠看到團隊作戰和更令人興奮的戰鬥。
- Man still loves forbidden fruit, though it's toxic. The story repeats itself telling of battles between life and death, merits and demerits. 偷吃禁果的人類,依然酷愛美麗、有毒的蘋果。生死與智慧的利害較量,依舊反覆上演。
- a war between factions in the same country. 同一國家裡派別間的戰爭。