- Spindle is the measure for yarn. 司品德是紗的度量單位。
- The clerk put the check on a spindle. 店員將支票放到扦子上。
- The spindle seemed to be out of order. 心軸好像壞了。
- The song of the spindle was silent. 紡錘的歌聲沈默了。
- Can you pass me the spindle, please? 請把比重計遞給我好嗎?
- The dogs ran not and barded, showing their teeth. 這些狗跑出來,張牙露齒地狂吠。
- A spindle or bobbin around which yarn is wound in weaving. 紆管; 緯管在紡織中繞以紗線的錠子或筒管
- The dogs ran not and barded,showing their teeth. 這些狗跑出來,張牙露齒地狂吠。
- The layer spindle was an early development. 層式紡錘形是早期發展起來的。
- The iron bard had been sawn(clean) through, and the prisoner had escaped. 鐵欄柵被(完全)鋸斷了,那犯人逃走了。
- It has locknut fasten rotor to a spindle. 配有防松螺母固定轉子與中心軸。
- Lappet and spindle setting not correct. 葉子板和錠子設置不正確。
- Food and clothes are barded necessities. 食品和衣服都是最低限度生活必須品。
- I find him, the wandering grey bard. 我發現了正在徘徊的衰老游唱詩人。
- There is no substitute bard wonk. 沒有什麼能代替實幹。
- I'll use my bard song to help you concentrate! 我會用我的吟遊詩人歌曲幫你集中精神!
- Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate this card. 不要將此卡摺疊、插在紙插上或殘損
- This is an ideal spindle tree system. 這是一種理想的紡錘形植株方式。
- Spindle out - of - center with ring and lappet. 錠子偏心,與導紗鉤板和鋼領不在一條直線上。
- FromIrish and Scottish Gaelic bard. 源自愛爾蘭及蘇格蘭蓋爾語bard。