- At this time, it's i nstructional to reexamine ML condition for central bank's constituting exchange rate policy. 在人民幣面臨巨大升值壓力時,重新對ml條件進行檢驗對於我國貨幣當局制定匯率政策有重要的指導意義。
- The cut in bank rate is expected to buoy up the economy. 銀行利率的降低可望振興經濟。
- Why PBC likes to Employ Deposit Reserve Rate Policy? 準備金率政策之得失?
- The exchange rate policy was highly damaging to manufacturing. 匯率政策極大地損害了製造業。
- According to Bartiromo, Bernanke said the market reaction to his recent congressional testimony on the US central bank's interest rate policy had been wrong. 據巴蒂羅姆稱,伯南克表示,針對他最近就美國中央銀行利率政策所作的國會證詞,市場的反應是錯誤的。
- Many have questioned the need for us to maintain a fixed exchange rate policy. 很多人質疑我們是否需要維持固定匯率政策。
- Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank Dennis Lockhart said that if problems still exist, in theory, the Fed can zero interest rate policy, but it may also consider the scope of the Federal Reserve. 而美聯儲一位官員上周五甚至表示,美聯儲仍擁有大量應對全球經濟危機的工具,其中包括將基準利率水平下調至零在內。
- On the monetary side, the IMF and Pakistan have agreed to continue 『flexible exchange rate』 policy, which means that the State Bank would not intervene in the market to stabilise the rupee. 在金融方面,國際貨幣基金組織和巴基斯坦已經同意繼續'靈活的匯率政策,這意味著國家銀行不會幹預市場,以穩定盧比。
- Bank Rate The rate at which central banks lend funds to national banks. 銀行利率中央銀行向國內銀行借貸的利率。
- The bank is beholden to the state council and wide-ranging bureaucratic influence with little power to set interest rates or exchange rate policy. 這家銀行目前受到國務院和多股官僚勢力的控制,在制定利率或匯率政策方面沒有什麼權力。
- The price is very low. Now the price of raw materials has increased, and the bank rate was changeable. 這價格已經很低了,現在原材料價格有所增加,銀行的匯率也有變動。
- The bank rate together with alll other costs make the cost of your financing totalling 10%or even higher . 銀行利率加各種成本,使實際融資成本達到10%25以上;
- Factors the influence interest: inflation rate, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, international agreement and international privity. 影響利率的因素:通貨膨脹率,貨幣政策,匯率政策,國際協議,國際默契。
- By cash, telegraphic transfer, or cheque, we accept Singapore Dollars and other currencies based on the prevailing bank rate. 您可以現金,電匯或支票的方式繳付學費。本院接受新幣,以及其它貨幣,按照當天的兌換率為標準。
- Exchange rate policy considerations are, of course, relevant to how foreign reserves are managed. 匯率政策的考慮當然關係到外匯儲備如何具體管理。
- Along with bank rate ceaseless over the price these years, insurance fund profit rate is declined year after year: 4.3% in 2001, 3.14% in 2002. 隨著銀行利率近年來不斷下調,保險資金收益率也逐年下降:2001年為4.;3%25,2002年為3
- Exchange rate stability is, of course, the monetary policy objective. We therefore have no interest rate policy. 我們的貨幣政策目的是維持匯率穩定,因此我們沒有利率政策。
- The effect of exchange rate policy has been reinforced by agricultural pricing policy. 匯率政策的作用已經通過農業價格政策得到加強。
- The Committee judged that this reduction in Bank Rate would by itself still leave a substantial risk of undershooting the 2% CPI inflation target in the medium term. 委員會判斷,若只調降準備金利率,在中期間消費者物價指數年增率仍然有達不到2%25目標的重大風險。
- This is the most radical adjustment of Fed rate policy in a short period of time since 1982. 這是自1982年以來,美聯儲在短期內對利率政策做出的最激烈的調整。