- There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution. 人們不斷要求地方政府取締賣淫。
- There has been calling for the local government to ban prostitution. 人們不斷要求地方政府取締賣淫。
- Its main claims are that to respect freedom of speech, the state may regulate pornography, but should not prohibit pornography, and that in order to provide equal protection of sexual autonomy for all, the state may ban prostitution. 本文認為,自由主義反對政府完全禁止個人散播猥褻言論,但自由主義並不反對,政府基於平等保護個人的性自主可以禁止個人從娼賣淫。
- The view undertakes the fidelity after abstinency, marriage is taught before marriage and ban prostitute absolutely. 主張進行婚前禁慾、婚後忠貞教育以及絕對禁娼。
- There is a ban on smoking in the theatre. 這劇院內禁止吸煙。
- Prostitution is on the increase in the city. 城裡賣淫活動越來越多。
- It was poverty that reduced her to prostitution. 是貧困迫使她賣淫。
- Anti-nuclear organizations want to ban the bomb. 反核武器組織要求禁止使用核武器。
- They threatened to ban the book. 他們威脅要禁止該書。
- The government has impeded an import ban unarm. 政府對武器進口頒布禁令。
- Sexual immorality, especially prostitution. 賣淫性關係的不道德,特指賣淫
- The police lifts the ban against parking in this street. 警察取消了不準在這條街上停車的禁令。
- A ban on the importation of drugs had been issued recently. 最近已經頒布了禁止進口毒品的法令。
- The public opinion condemns prostitution. 公眾輿論遣責賣淫。
- The film came under the ban of censor. 該影片被審查官員禁止上映。
- He refused the job, saying it would be (a) prostitution of his talents. 他拒不做那工作,說那是大材小用。
- Over ninety countries ratify an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. 九十多個國家批准了一項禁止使用這些化學品的協議。
- The tin of ban have a calorific value of 250 calories or have 250 calories. 這聽蠶豆含250卡的熱值或250個卡里路。
- That is not art, but prostitution. 那不是藝術,而是賣淫。
- The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted. 戰時不準跳舞的禁令已經解除。