- We have worked on that (set-piece), coming in at the back post, and JT was there. "我們在自由球上畫了很多功夫,這個球從後面直接送到了特里的位置。」
- Gerrard showed tremendous nous for his second goal as he followed his pass from the right and attacked the back post. 傑拉德的第二個進球則美妙地顯示出了這一點,傑拉德接到了他分向右路的傳球,從後衛身後包抄到位進球得分。
- Even before Sao Paulo scored his team were plugging an early ball from Steven Gerrard to the back post for Harry Kewell to attack. 即便在聖保羅得分之前他們的球隊擋住了在哈利.;科威爾深厚的斯蒂文
- It was Barcelona, however, that took the lead soon after as Giuly stole in at the back post to latch onto Ronaldinho's flighted pass and fire home a powerful shot on the bounce. 本場比賽開賽前,聖西羅場面宏大,球迷看到的將是一場開放的、進攻性的比賽。卡卡的突前使米蘭的開場很有侵略性,但是被巴薩堅固的防守瓦解,形成了邊線球,吉拉迪諾在禁區內左腳射門擊中門框。
- Milan were to pay for the missed chances when on 38 minutes a Castellini header following a cross from the left came back off the bar and Bonazzoli volleyed home at the back post. 米蘭為自己錯失的機會付出了代價,第38分鐘,卡斯特里尼接隊友左路傳中頭槌攻門中橫樑彈出,博納佐利在後門柱補射得手。
- The shot-stopper seemed to ignore Sulley Ali Muntari coming to tap in at the back post, instead appealing for offside from Zlatan Ibrahimovic's wayward effort. 這名門將彷彿忽略了後門柱殺出的蒙塔里,而是在抗議這記由伊布拉希莫維奇匪夷所思助攻的進球處于越位。
- As the game headed deep into injury time, Cafu took advantage of Francesco Pisano』s slip at the byline and floated a wonderful cross to the back post for Serginho to rasp home the winner. 在比賽進入傷停補時的最後階段時,卡福利用對方球員皮薩諾腳下打滑的機會突破傳出了一記美妙的弧線球,塞爾吉尼奧在後門柱候個正著一蹴而就,為主隊拿下了這場艱苦的勝利。
- Han wanted to throw the ball to a teammate in the 48th, but it went to Marta instead.The Brazilian player passed it to Cristiane at the back post, who one-timed it in with her left foot. 「沿左路急插」、「控制住跳動的球」、「閃過撲倒在地的守門員」、「最後將球冷靜地打進」,這段語言把進球描寫得如此生動!
- The game suddenly sprung to life and Scarpi flew to fingertip a dangerous Ventola cross off Lanna's head, but at the other end Giuseppe Sculli almost got his head to a cross at the back post. 比賽就此突然加速。斯卡皮用指尖擋出文托拉給蘭納頭頂的傳中,另一端,斯庫利差點在後門柱夠上頭槌。
- The lead lasted just over a minute as Schalke won a free-kick of their own on the right and from the deep cross into the area Christian Poulsen arrived at the back post to head home. 但領先僅僅維持了一分鐘,沙爾克04也獲得了一次自由球機會,皮球開出后掉向禁區,克里斯蒂安.;鮑爾森出現在後門柱頭槌破網。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰叢修剪後還能再長出新枝。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三個鐘點才回到家。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群後退讓運動員們通過。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天鍛煉鍛煉,你很快會恢復健康的。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆著季風艱難地行駛。
- I flap the flies away but soon they fly back. 我把蒼蠅趕走,但一會兒又飛回來了。
- I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的書決不外借,因為總是有去無回。
- She leaned her head back and whispered the news. 她向後仰著頭,小聲說出了這個消息。
- The talks have been put back to Friday morning. 談判推遲到星期五早上進行。
- He hated to tuck his tail and back down now. 他討厭此時夾著尾巴退回來。