- As a nontoxic water aqua with no peculiar smell, it is ideal for postharvest handing of many cut flowers, such as rose, gerbera, carnation and baby』s breath. 可延長鮮花的觀賞壽命,並能促進花朵盛開、花色更艷,改善花朵品質,提高觀賞價值。本產品安全可靠,無色無味,尤適合花店零售和消費者使用。
- The smell of latex, sweat, someone\'s breath, or her vag. 你的刺激從視覺刺激換成了更加實際的觸覺刺激。
- As softly as the spring-tide』s breath, Sweet quietude creeps in, And scenes in olden Nazareth Appear above earth's din. 柔然現春潮,甜蜜泛滿襟,當年拿撒勒,歷歷如在今。
- Pharmacology: Emodin performances very strong bacteriostasis properties, it functions mainly via inhibiting the biosynthesis of nucleic acid and bacteria』s breath process. 藥理作用: 大黃素是一個有很強抑菌活性的抗菌劑,它通過抑制細菌核酸的生物合成和呼吸過程而發揮抗菌作用。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他們對著新生嬰兒愛撫地輕聲細語。
- The baby's legs flailed under the quilt. 小孩的兩條小腿在被子下面亂動。
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一個下午就能編結好一件嬰孩的緊身短上衣。
- As the monsignor from the family』s church pressed the crucifix to Michael』s head and began last rites, Kathy noticed her son』s breathing was becoming more labored. 當來自家族教堂的閣下把十字架按在麥克的頭上並開始最後的儀式時,凱西注意到她兒子的呼吸正越來越吃力。
- The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 母親搖動搖籃使嬰兒入睡。
- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. 小孩用蠟筆把牆上畫得斑斑點點。
- The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog. 那個小孩被惡狗嚇壞了。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母親與嬰兒以非常複雜的方式相互影響。
- Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes. 她的孩子有一雙美麗而明亮的藍眼睛。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一顆赤子之心。
- Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby. 我們供給嬰兒營養只需餵奶就夠了。
- I let it slip that I am expecting a baby. 我無意中透露了我已懷孕了。
- I've stuck at home with my baby these years. 這些年我只帶孩子,無所事事。
- The baby often spits up on its dean clothes. 嬰兒常常把東西吐在自己乾淨的衣服上。
- The mother asked her baby to sit for his portrait. 孩子的媽媽讓她的寶寶坐好給他拍照。
- The mother gazed with rapture at her new born baby. 母親著迷地凝視著她剛出生的嬰兒。