- Avoid by all means is vixenish, turn over old Zhang in disorder. 切忌嘮嘮叨叨,亂翻舊賬。
- But avoid by all means issues insolate in sunshine, lest carpet fades. 但切忌在陽光下曝晒,以免地毯褪色。
- But must concise, lively, accomplish band of dot, line, cover, overelaborate of avoid by all means. 但一定要簡潔、明快,做到點、線、面結合,切忌繁縟。
- But indoors avoid by all means uses a needle thallophyte or Yin Shu (like peach) , especially avoid cuckoo. 但在室內切忌採用針葉狀植物或陰樹(如桃樹),尤其忌杜鵑。
- Notable is, avoid by all means of dark sore patient makes up, can make dark sore exasperate only otherwise. 此外,運動后切忌馬上使用面膜,應待肌膚狀況平穩后再敷。
- The avoid by all means when bubble is holothurian uses salt, send not easily otherwise fully, return easy metamorphism. 泡海參時切忌用鹽,否則不易發透,還易變質。
- Hot compress of avoid by all means, interior of such meeting aggravate penis bleed. 切忌熱敷,這樣會加劇陰莖內部出血。
- Appropriate is fecund with the soil with good drainage, be able to bear or endure barren soil, but avoid by all means slants alkalescent. 宜肥沃和排水良好的土壤,耐瘠薄土壤,但切忌偏鹼性。
- Before motion, best and OK drink a few water, avoid by all means drinks all water at a heat, should drink readily equably readily however below. 運動前,最好可以飲一些水,切忌一口氣喝完所有的水,而是要一口一口地均勻喝下。
- A cap screw forgets after avoid by all means opens bottle, can make otherwise alcohol composition volatilizes, also can make flavor oxidizes and deteriorate. 切忌開瓶后忘記把瓶蓋扭緊,否則會令酒 精成分揮發,也會令香料氧化而變質。
- Accordingly, ophthalmologist warns a citizen, when undertaking a family decorate, colour of avoid by all means too " grab an eye " . 因此,眼科專家提醒市民,在進行家庭裝修時,切忌色彩太「搶眼」。
- If your sitting room is half dado or aureate wall, avoid by all means is gorgeous color, should choose mainly plain coloured fabrics. 假如您的客廳是半牆裙或金色牆,切忌艷麗顏色,應重點選擇素色面料。
- To appearing " old ox chokes with resentment greatly " person, avoid by all means covers shut up bazoo, inflectional limb, lest choke. 對於出現「老牛大憋氣」者,切忌捂住口鼻、屈曲四肢,以免窒息。
- Avoid by all means does not have feeling of gradual change administrative levels, this eye that can let you looks dropsy and brokenhearted. 切忌沒有漸變層次感,這隻會讓你的眼睛看上去浮腫且沒有精神。
- Too sweet, deepfry, fat, raw or cold food reachs avoid by all means stodgy food, lest injure function of intestines and stomach. 切忌太甜、油炸、油膩、生冷及不易消化食品,以免損傷腸胃功能。
- Liver function is at present normal, the body does not need to be on food idea what, but must nutrition is balanced, maintain good Morpheus, wine of smoke of avoid by all means. 目前肝功能正常,身體不需要在飲食上主意什麼,但一定要營養均衡,保持良好的睡眠,切忌煙酒。
- Additional, water avoid by all means midday, water Wen Bi must be close to soil temperature, the water that had better have basked in with air irrigates a flower. 另外,澆水切忌中午,水溫必須接近土溫,最好用晾曬過的水澆花。
- Real wood floor is long-term need not, avoid by all means uses plastic cloth or newspaper shell, because time grows, paint film is met tacky, lose luster. 實木地板長期不用,切忌用塑料布或報紙蓋上,因為時間一長,漆膜就會發粘,失去光澤。
- The wet cloth that does not use a water or machine of vapour type cleanness, avoid by all means is rinsed with water, also do not use stoving implement. 不要用滴水的濕布或蒸汽式清潔機,切忌用水沖洗,也不要使用烘乾器。
- We have to finish our task by all means. 我們必須竭力完成任務。