- In 1996,the average per capita consumption of meat in Tibet was 48.6 kilograms,an increase of 17.2 percent compared to 1991. 1996年,西藏人均肉類消費48.;6公斤,比1991年增長17
- Today, the potato is Kazakhstan's most important food crop after wheat, with average per capita consumption of a high 90 kg a year. 如今,在哈薩克馬鈴薯是僅次於小麥的最重要糧食作物,年人均消費量為90公斤。
- level of average per capita consumption 按人口平均消費水平
- And delicacy of Zhejiang province average per capita suckles consumption to reside middle reaches only in the whole nation. 而浙江省人均鮮奶消費量在全國只居中游。
- Chinese paint market is a larger deposit growth space, since the current paint 1.9 kg per capita consumption levels only / years, only half of the world average. 中國塗料市場還存著較大的增長空間,因為目前的塗料消費水平僅為人均1.;9千克/年,僅是世界平均水平的一半。
- What is the average per capita wage in your country? 你們國家每人的平均工資是多少?
- Information shows that 92 percent of Austrians have a habit of drinking coffee, the Austrian average annual per capita consumption of 8 kilograms of coffee beans. 資料顯示,92%25的奧地利人有喝咖啡的習慣,奧地利人平均每人每年消費8公斤咖啡豆。
- Banquet food for each per capita consumption of 888 yuan. 西餐夜宴的人均消費為每位888元人民幣。
- France has the highest per capita consumption of cheese. 法國的每人平均乳酪消耗量世界第一?
- Although the average per capita income is quite low on the mainland,we are not backward in every field. 我們大陸雖然人均收入水平低,但並不是樣樣都落後。
- China,because of its huge population,has less than a quarter of the world's average per capita water capacity. 對於我國,人口眾多的國情造成了人均水資源擁有量不足世界平均水平四分之一的狀況。
- China, because of its huge population, has less than a quarter of the world's average per capita water capacity. 對於我國,人口眾多的國情造成了人均水資源擁有量不足世界平均水平四分之一的狀況。
- Although the average per capita income is quite low on the mainland, we are not backward in every field. 我們大陸雖然人均收入水平低,但並不是樣樣都落後。
- In industrialised countries the per capita consumption of lime products amounts to approx. 在工業化國家裡,石灰產品的人均消耗量大約是每年。
- In 1985, the ratio between per capita consumption expenditure of urban and rural residents is 2. 1985年全國城鄉居民人均消費性支出之比為2。
- Swiss average per capita takes the world in foreign asset and investment the first. 瑞士人均在國外資產和投資佔世界第一位。
- Annual per capita consumption among Swiss aged 16 and over fell from 2644 in 1996 to 2036 in 2005. 16歲瑞士青年的年人均消費量從1996年的2477根香煙將到了2005年的2036根。
- Say none exaggeratively, this is a batch of people with top production value of average per capita of Chinese ad group. 毫不誇張地說,這是中國廣告界人均產值最高的一批人。
- Psychology considers to discover, most average per capita has the allusive sex of certain level. 心理學研究發現,大多數人均有一定程度的暗示性。
- Current, chinese autocycle average per capita is had rate already exceeded world average level greatly. 目前,中國摩托車人均佔有率已大大超過世界平均水平。