- Clone a frog;clone a plant variety. 無性生殖的青蛙;無性生殖的植物品種
- The Community Plant Variety Right( CPVR) is a form of intellectual property akin to a patent. 歐盟植物品種權是類似專利的一種智慧財產形式。
- Any opposition shall be filed in writing to the National Plant Variety Board within the period determined by the Board. 任何異議必須在國家植物品種委員會規定期間內以書面向該委員會提出。
- Supreme People's Court published the judicial interpretation in the trail of cases concerning new plant variety right. 最高人民法院頒布審理關於植物新品種權糾紛案件的司法解釋。
- S.L.Bhat Plant Variety Protection in India,APSP-UPOV workshop in Asia,November 2005,Shanghai. 保護植物多樣性和農民權利的法案.;印度政府;2000
- The National Biodiversity Authority may assess the gains from the commercial profit potential of the New Plant Variety. 國家生物多樣性管理局可從該植物新品種的潛在商業利益評估其所得利潤。
- If more than one innovator collaboratively developed a New Plant Variety, they may jointly make an application. 如果植物新品種由一名以上革新者合作開發,革新者可共同申請。
- Licences, compulsory licences and entries in the register;Termination of plant variety rights and so on. 執照,許可證和強制性登記簿條目:植物新品種權利的終止等等。
- Plant Variety Protection in Thailand ,APSP-UPOV workshop in Asia,November 2005,Shanghai. 2002印度尼西亞植物新品種保護法案.
- The Court shall transmit a copy of any judgement or final decision in cases under this Act to the National Plant Variety Board. 依據本法所作之判決或最後裁決,法院將寄一份副本給國家植物品種委員會。
- A plant variety shall be deemed as known, where propagating material of it has been offered for sale, sold or otherwise disposed of to others. 一個植物的品種將被視為已知,當它的繁殖物料已被銷售或已被他人所處分。
- Plant varieties are: peer-na, Newhall, naphthalene Wei Linna. 種植品種有:朋娜、紐荷爾、萘維林娜。
- "Wild Specie" means a plant variety in its native habitat that has not been domesticated by any community for direct cultivation. 「野生物種」指在天然生活環境、未被引入任何區域進行直接栽培而馴化的植物品種。
- In order to protect the plant variety better,this article discusses on the behxdyior and intellectual property of infringing the plant variety right . 為更好地保護植物新品種權,本文對侵犯植物新品種權的行為及其法律責任,進行了探討。
- Any national plant variety right or patent granted for a variety, in relation to which a CPVR already exists, will be ineffective. 對於一個擁有歐盟植物品種權的品種授與國家植物品種權或者專利權是無效的。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季學期九月份開始。
- In order to protect the plant variety better,this article discusses on the behavior and intellectual property of infringing the plant variety right . 為更好地珍愛植物新品種權,本文對侵略植物新品種權的行為及其司法責任,進行了商量。
- There is a breath of autumn in the air today. 今天的天氣已露出了一絲秋天的氣息。
- The days are closing in now that autumn is here. 秋天來到了,白天漸漸短了。
- Autumn crops promised to be equally good. 秋季作物看來收成也會同樣很好。