- 其中authority通常就是主機名。Where the authority is typically just a host name.
- new obligational authority (美國)新全責撥款授權
- CA(certificate authority)是PKI中的關鍵設施.CA (certificate authority) is a critical component in PKI.
- "當局,權利 [國際開發協會],見 commitment authority"authority [IDA]
- 該系統由四部分構成:認證中心(Certificate Authority,簡稱CA);The implemented system has four componets: Certificate Authority, CA;
- Georgia Ports Authority富有遠見,並對未來的發展作好了長期戰略規劃。The Georgia Ports Authority had a vision and long-term strategic plan to prepare for future growth.
- 阿布扎比投資局(abu Dhabi Investment Authority)的工作人員也一直與中投方面進行密切聯繫。Staffers at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority have also been in close consultation with CIC.
- 香港特別行政區政府更鼓勵商界自行設立核證機關Certification Authority及推行自願申請認可制度。The HKSAR Government encourages business sector to set up its own Certification Authority and apply for voluntary recognition.
- 509證書的PKI認證系統,包括證書機關CA(Certificate Authority)、註冊機關RA、目錄服務LDAP和相關的API。509 based PKI system, which include Certificate Authority (CA), Registration Authority (RA), LDAP Server, and a set of APIs.
- 例如,您可以使用埠2439,此埠號為MobiLink同步伺服器的Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA)註冊埠號。For example, you could use port 2439, which is the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)-registered port number for the MobiLink synchronization server.
- 另一種選項是只有一家機構,科威特投資局(kuwait Investment Authority)便是如此。該機構已成為主權基金中最佳行為的楷模。The alternative is to have a single agency, as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority, currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds.
- 在現有的PKI體系中,由PKI下的證書機構(Certificate Authority,CA)提供證書來維護公鑰,採用智能卡作為私鑰管理解決方案。In PKI System, CA provide certificates to management the public key, while the private key is protected by other sides such as the KEA(Key Escrow Agent) or managed by self. In fact, The smart card is widely used.
- 香港郵政與Korea Information Certificate Authority簽訂諒解備忘錄,提供彼此合作的架構,利便日後研究設立可靠而渾然一體的跨境核證系統。Hongkong Post signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Korea Information Certificate Authority to provide a framework of co-operation for exploring the establishment of a reliable and seamless cross-border certification system.
- 證書機構(Certification Authority)對公共密鑰(Public Key)生成一個散列並嵌入證書(Certificate),以建立簽名,然後用其自身的私有密鑰(Private Key)加密這個散列。A Certification Authority creates a signature by generating a hash of the Public Key embedded in a Certificate, then encrypting the hash with its own Private Key.
- 本文對基於公鑰基礎設施PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)的數字證書認證中心CA(Certificate Authority)構建,及數字證書的應用包括其介面的設計與實現進行了描述與分析。This dissertation describes and analyzes the construction of certificate authority which based on PKI(Public Key Infrastructure), and the digital certificate application, including the application program interface.
- 主要論述了系統採用的RC2和RSA相結合的混合密碼體制,另外對MS CA(Microsoft Certificate Authority)所提供的幾種產生消息摘要的消息散列函數如:SHA-1、MD4、MD5等也進行了分析。It mainly introduces a hybrid cryptosystem using RC2 and RSA algorithm in our application and some message hash function producing message digest provided by MS CA(Microsoft Certificate Authority) such as SHA-1,MD4 and MD5.Chapter 3 gives detail description of a new security infrastructure-PKI.
- 註冊管理中心(Register Authority,RA)是公共密鑰基礎設施(Public Key Infrastructue,PKI)的組成部分之一,它接收客戶申請, 並審批申請,把證書正式請求發送給證書授權中心(Certificate Authority,CA)。Register authority(RA) is one of the components of public key infrastmcture(PKI), which accepts client applications and filters applications and sends official certificate applications to certificate authority(CA).
- 這不僅是因為許多國內和國際組織,如:International Marine Organization (IMO)和Danish Maritime Authority (DNA)等已經提出了有關雜訊的規範和標準,也因為船員和旅客對舒適的環境更加感興趣了。This is due to the introduction of national and international rules and recommendations concerning noise such as IMO468(A) of International Marine Organization (IMO) and DMA noise-code of Danish Maritime Authority (DMA), but also a growing interest in reducing annoyance and discomfort to the crew and passengers.