- The media here attract eyeball caught the news, teacher is busy for the students to quell generally strengthen directed. 媒體在這裡抓到了吸引眼球的新聞,老師們忙著對學生進行強化執導,力圖平息世態。
- Dazzle rich post had turned a kind of network into the phenomenon, become certain person to attract eyeball appropriative network subject matter. 炫富帖已經變成了一種網路現象,成為某些人為了吸引眼球而專用的網路題材。
- The post with vulture elegant act the role ofing and by many vaulted be linked together formation lanai, and the stair well of lamplight excessive colour comparatives attract eyeball. 雕飾精美的柱子和由多個拱形相連形成的門廊、以及燈光溢彩的樓梯間都相當吸引眼球。
- Nevertheless, model of the cloud that it is a horse is statuary, no more than is fictitious internet network outspread reach real world, the topic of another to attract eyeball hype stopped. 不過, 為馬雲塑雕像,無非是虛擬的互聯網路延伸到現實世界,又一個為吸引眼球而炒作的話題罷了。
- The place that this game attracts eyeball still depends on architect insinuation politician and political reality. 這款遊戲吸引眼球的地方還在於設計者暗諷政治人物和政治現實。
- As we have learned, use " belle " the honor heat topic that attracts eyeball will draw attention, driving income already was go well-knownly inside the circle regular. 據了解,利用「美女」頭銜等吸引眼球的熱點話題來吸引關注、帶動收入已是圈內眾所周知的潛規則。
- It launches apps and features that grab market share, attract eyeballs and give it the traffic it needs to make billions of dollars per fiscal quarter. 它推出各種應用和特色,他們搶奪市場份額,吸引眼球並增加流量,為使每個財政季度都能賺數十億美元。
- Social Media should also be responsible for that, they often adding fuel to the flames, loudly proclaimed the list of top scorer of "College Entrance Examination" every year to attract eyeballs. 大眾媒體應該為此負責,它們經常推波助瀾,大肆渲染所謂的高考狀元來吸引眼球。
- We must discuss the situation eyeball to eyeball. 我們要面對面的研究一下這種情況。
- She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention. 她輕輕地咳了一聲好引起我注意。
- He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter. 他打了個榧子招呼服務員。
- The chairperson clapped to attract our attention. 主席拍手以喚起我們的注意。
- The salesman banged a drum to attract a crowd. 推銷員擊鼓以吸引人群。
- The opposite poles of magnets attract each other. 磁體的相反兩極相互吸引。
- The quarrel couple stand in the sit room, eyeball to eyeball. 夫妻倆站在起居室里吵架,你瞪著我,我瞪著你。
- Opposite poles attract, like poles repel. 同性相斥,異性相吸。
- Attracting eyeballs is the goal, and no sense of shame and self-proclaimed alternative to, and even take pride in, the actual performance is vulgar. 吸引眼球是目的,不知廉恥地以另類自居,甚至引以自豪,實際是低俗的表現。
- Businesses vied with each other to attract customers. 各商行互相競爭以招攬顧客。
- Like charges repel each other, but opposite charges attract. 同種電荷互相排斥,但異種電荷卻互相吸引。
- The launch of new Peugeot 307 has drawn great attention from media. The new 307 looks more sporty and enthralling, with a "big-mouthed" face that attracts eyeballs of consumers. 近日,新東風標緻307的上市備受媒體關注,其新307看起來更為震撼和運動,外形最為吸引人的是家族的標誌性「大嘴」前臉,吸引了眾多目光。