- The Attitude Control System( ACS) software is responsible for maintaining the attitude of the spacecraft. 姿態控制系統(CS)件負責維護航空器的姿態。
- Attitude control is obtained by gimballing the engine up to ±7 degrees. 姿態控制是由發動機擺動而得到的,擺動度最大為±7°。
- In the AUV control software, access to databases is often needed. 水下機器人控制軟體中,很多部分涉及到數據保存和調用問題。
- Third, multi-duty direction pattern microminiaturized attitude control module. 三是多任務指向模式的微型化姿控模塊。
- Command and control software is a very important factor for running SLC2S. 指揮控制軟體是影響SLC2S高效運行的重要因素之一。
- The attitude control system of maneuver missile head is designed by applyi ng nonlinear decoupling control law. 然後採用非線性解耦控制理論設計了機動彈頭的姿態控制系統。
- The control software has been produced by Thales UK at its Crawley facility. 「守望者」無人機控制軟體由泰利斯英國公司開發。
- To enhance the robustness of interceptor attitude control system, a switch control method is presented to control the attitude of interceptor. 摘要為增強攔截器姿態控制系統的魯棒性,提出了一種切換控制方法來控制攔截器的姿態。
- The aerocraft attitude control is divided into two parts: attitude stabilization and attitude track. 本文將飛行器姿態控制分為:姿態穩定和姿態跟蹤兩種情況加以研究。
- The attitude control system (ACS) ensures the satellite to keep running normally. 摘要姿態控制系統是衛星得以持續正常工作的保證。
- The controller software or firmware may be out of date. 控制器軟體或固件可能已過期。
- An attitude control law for single axial direction control of an exoatmospheric interceptor is put forward. 針對單軸定向大氣層外攔截器設計了一種姿態控制律。
- Controlled software is designed for fermentation proces-ses. 本控制軟體是專門為發酵過程而設計的。
- The integrated power and attitude control for a bias momentum attitude control system is investigated. 研究偏置動量姿態控制系統中的集成能量與姿態控制問題。
- At last, a set of general real-time control software is introduced based on the three-layered structure. 並介紹了按照這一體系結構開發出的一套水下機器人通用實時控制軟體。
- Flywheel is an important executive component of satellite attitude control system. 飛輪是衛星姿態控制系統的關鍵執行元件。
- The suspension damping control strategy for vehicle attitude control system is presented. 提出了車輛姿態控制系統的懸架阻尼控制策略。
- It's stories like these, of course, that fuel the sales of parental control software. 當然,正是一些這樣的故事,為父母監控軟體廣開銷路。
- Affected by unsteady atmosphere disturbance,attitude control and navigation for MAV flight must be unconventional. 針對在非定常大氣擾動作用下,微型飛行器MAV姿態穩定控制與導航都不同於常規的問題。
- During blastoff of the stratospheric airship by buoyancy, stable attitude control is needed. 摘要平流層飛艇在靠浮力升空的過程中,需要對其進行姿態穩定控制。