- She formed a strong attachment for him. 她對他產生了熱烈的愛慕之情。
- A rifle attachment for firing grenades. 步槍用來發射槍榴彈的附件
- Proficient drawing and testing for crane parts. 精通圖紙和起重機安裝和測試程序。
- I feel quite an attachment for my secretary. 我對我的秘書頗為傾心。
- Do you feel an attachment for her ? 您對她懷有好感嗎
- This is a steel plate for crane. 這是用於起重機的鋼墊板。
- I feel quite fan attachment for my secretary. 我對我的秘書頗為傾心。
- Do you feel an attachment for her? 您對她懷有好感嗎?
- She was moved by the boy's attachment for her. 這個男孩對她深深的依戀感動了她。
- Park Lemke gear pump motor is a kind of parts for cranes. 泊姆克齒輪泵馬達是用於起重機的一種配件。
- Radio remote control systems for cranes and mobile machinery. 用於起重和移動機械的無線電遙控系統。
- The food processor has an attachment for making pasta. 這種食品加工機具有製作義大利食品的附加裝置。
- An attachment for a lathe consisting of a rotating cylindrical block holding various cutting tools. 轉動架,轉塔車床上的附屬物,由一個可安裝各種刀具的可旋轉的圓筒組成
- Clip-rail is a device for crane accessories equipment. 夾軌器是一種用於起重機的配件設備。
- An attachment for a spinning wheel that serves this purpose. 手紡車附件為能達到上面紡紗目的的手紡車的附屬裝置
- Having several sites of attachment for an antibody or antigen. 有幾個抗體或者抗原附著的位置的
- He showed no attachment to [had a strong attachment for] the lady. 他對那婦人沒有顯示出一點愛情。
- Don't sell the old house; I feel an attachment for it. 別把老房子賣掉,我對它很有感情。
- YZRW series eddy-current braking motors for crane and metallurgical uses. YZRW系列起重及冶金用渦流制動電動機。