- Do you attach much importance to what he says ? 你認為他說的很重要嗎?
- Do you attach much importance to what he say? 你認為他說的很重要嗎?
- Do you attach much importance to what he says? 你認為他說的很重要嗎?
- Do you attach much importance to his words? 你認為他的話很重要嗎?
- Delirium with nightly attach most importance to, main show is recognizant obstacle and excitement of incongruous spirit motility, if accompany high fever, can endanger life. 譫妄以夜間為重,主要表現為意識障礙和不協調的精神運動性興奮,若伴高熱,可危及生命。
- Alleged " cacique " , that affirmation is ordinary person impracticable, he is all view overall situation surely, attach most importance to with overall situation interest. 所謂「領袖」,那肯定是常人做不到的,他必是統觀全局,以大局利益為重。
- In modem times, people attach more importance to relations and connections. 在現代,人們更加重視各種關係和聯繫。
- Heroism attaches much importance to the investment of clients. 海澤曼十分尊重用戶的投資。
- We must attach much importance to the first aid and evacuation in wartime. 我們必須重視戰時救護和後送。
- In modem times,people attach more importance to relations and connections. 在現代,人們更加重視各種關係和聯繫。
- Therefore, most Hollywood films can make great commercial success.These films attach much importance to histrionism. 因此,好萊塢的影片一般都能在商業上獲得巨大成功。
- Men attach more importance to marriage than women do,and there are fewer male celibates. 男人們更重視結婚。男性獨身主義者比女性獨身主義者更少。
- Attach much importance to develop advantageous parts and components assemblies as high-power engine, vehicle bridge, gearbox and etc. 重點發展大功率發動機、車橋、變速箱、等具有比較優勢的零部件總成。
- Fourthly, private universities and colleges will attach more importance to educational quality and feature than before. 私立高等教育更加重視質量和特色建設;
- The government attach much importance to the protection of Chinese virgin forests. 政府非常重視保護中國的原始森林。
- People attach much importance to liquid crystal wave-front corrector, for the high differentiate rate and low power. 基於液晶的波前校正器以其高解析度,低功耗而引起越來越廣泛的重視。
- Understand these experience and lesson to want to be being attached most importance to especially for China of place economy transitional. 了解這些經驗和教訓對於處經濟過渡期的中國來說尤為重要。
- The countries of Anglo American law system attach more and more importance to formal law although they still follow the traditional precedents. 英美法系國家雖然仍恪守「遵循先例」的傳統 ,但同時也越來越表露出了對成文法的重視。
- The function of distribution centers gradually visualizes, which make managers attach more and more importance to the location decision-making. 配送中心在產品配送環節中的作用逐漸顯現使得企業管理者越來越重視配送中心的選址決策。
- Conclusion:In development of neonatal screening, it is necessary to attach more importance to quality of screening and gradu... 結論:在新生兒疾病篩查工作中,要重視篩查工作的質量,逐步提高篩查覆蓋率,提高淮安市兒童保健水平。