- He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope. 他太窮了,買不起天文望遠鏡。
- Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案規定了一年的限期。
- What's the speed limit on the motorway? 高速公路的速度限制是多少?
- He was had up for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速行駛而遭控告。
- He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. 他賽前量體重比規定限度少幾磅。
- We must try and limit our expenditure. 我們必須設法限制我們的開支。
- His speech ran over the time limit. 他的講話超過了規定的時間限制。
- Astronomical sums of money will be needed for this project. 這項工程需要異常龐大數額的資金。
- The speed limit is 40 miles per hour. 規定的最高時速為40英里。
- There's a limit to how much I'm prepared to spend. 我準備花多少錢是有限度的。
- Limit your expenditure to what is essential. 你要把開銷限制在必要的範圍內。
- I must tell you that his patience has its limit. 我必須告訴你,他的耐心是有限的。
- He is fined$50 for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速行車而被罰款50美元。
- The price of this gem is expensive -- as much so as astronomical figures. 這個寶石的價格十分昂貴--簡直是個天文數字。
- The speed limit on this road is 70 mph. 這條路的車速限制是每小時70英里。
- The time limit stipulated in a prompt note. 交割期限交割通知單的時間限制
- You could win millions! The sky's the limit! 你有可能贏數百萬.;無盡無休!
- A withdrawal limit of $200; no minimum age limit. 提款數量最多不超過200美元; 沒有最低年齡限制。
- She was driving at well over the speed limit. 她開車的速度遠遠超過了速度限制。