- The accident was due to excessive speed. 事故的原因在於速度過快。
- Floods are most commonly due to excessive rains. 洪水通常是由暴雨所造成的。
- Unserviceable due to excessive wear. 由於過度磨損而不可用。
- Opens the orifices after strokes or epilepsies or facial paralysis due to excessive of phlegm. 用於痰盛關竅阻閉之證。如中風後面部麻痹。
- Black Hawk Crew have died due to excessive blood loss. 黑鷹機組成員由於失血過多而死亡。
- Floor warping, expansion or delamination due to excess moisture. 由於過度潮濕地板超翹、膨脹或分層;
- In display technique, excessive luminosity of the spot due to excessive beam current. 在顯示技術中,指由於電子束電流太大而產生的光點太亮的現象。參閱beam,spot。
- Ask a doctor before use if you have: a cough that lasts or is chronic such as occurs with smoking, asthma or emphysema a cough accompanied by excessive phlegm (mucus). 如果服用前已經持續咳嗽,或是由於吸煙,哮喘,或肺氣腫造成的慢性咳嗽,或者咳嗽多痰,請事先諮詢醫生。
- In-line flow restrictor protects the meter measuring element and the backflow preventer components from damage due to excessive flow. 管內流量限制器保護儀錶測量元件和防迴流閥部件不會因為過大的流量而受到損壞。
- Don't carry your anger to excess. 不要肝火過盛。
- Asthma due to internal immunological process 體內免疫過程致哮喘
- Groundwater is deteriorating in many parts of the country due to excessive exploitation and pollution. 全國大部分地區的地下水由於過度開採和污染而正在惡化。
- We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand. 但因有關產品需求殷切,未能滿足公司要求,深感遺憾。
- Do not give this product for persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma, emphysema, or if cough is accompanied by excessive phlegm (mucus) unless directed by a doctor. 這個產品不適用長期或是慢性咳嗽,比如由吸咽,哮喘,肺氣腫引起的或是咳嗽伴有過多的痰,除非醫生指導使用。
- Radiation Poisoning is a form of damage to organic tissue due to excessive exposure to ionizing radiation. 輻射中毒即是生物身體暴露在輻射中而出現病徵。
- The symptoms of damage due to exposure to excessive heat may be noticed only intermittently. 由於過多熱量導致的損壞現象只能間歇性的被檢測到。
- Some students quit school due to poverty. 一些學生因貧困而輟學。
- Cancer is the result of many sick and dying cells due to excessive mucous that suffocates their existence. 當許多細胞因為過度黏液導致窒息而染疾且瀕臨死亡,癌症就會產生。
- Rains that filled the reservoirs to excess. 大雨使水庫的水超過了蓄水容量
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布萊克先生由於健康不佳而退出政治生涯。