- One of the fishing boats sank down astern of us. 有一艘漁船在我們後面沉沒了。
- He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他夢想有朝一日成為著名的小提琴家。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案規定了一年的限期。
- What 's the aim of one strategy? 戰略的目標是什麼?
- A horoscope for the time of one's birth. 算命天宮圖人出生時間的天宮畫
- The predominant influence of one state over others. 統治權一國對於他國之支配權力
- The ship fell astern of cargo,soon after they had left the dock. 離開碼頭之後不久,客輪就落到貨輪後面了。
- Pride is the mask of one』s fault. 驕傲是掩飾錯誤的假面具。
- astern of one's reckoning 誤期
- They fell astern of us,ie moved into position behind us. 他們落在我們船的後面.
- A complete set of type of one size and face. 一副活字一整套同樣尺寸和型號的活字模
- A mapping of one space onto another or onto itself. 變換一個空間與另一個空間或自身的一一對應
- They were all of one mind on this subject. 在這個問題上他們的意見完全一致。
- There is a hole in the heel of one of your socks. 你一隻襪子的後跟有個洞。
- A time for taking stock of one's life. 對一個人的一生作出評價的時候
- A flower head of one of these plants. 這些植物之一的頭狀花序
- Stockings made of one of these synthetic materials. 尼龍長襪用這些合成材料製成的長襪
- In the seat of one's truest feelings. 在某人最真實的感情之處
- The flower head of one of these plants. 大麗花花頭這種植物的任一種的花頭
- The revered spirit of one who has died. 死者靈魂死者依然存留的魂靈