- Governors, mayors and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns assume overall responsibility for local people's governments at various levels. 地方各級人民政府實行省長、市長、縣長、區長、鄉長、鎮長負責制。
- The principal leaders of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities are required to personally supervise the work and assume overall responsibility. 各省、自治區、直轄市的主要負責人親自抓扶貧工作,並負總責。
- The principal leaders of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities are required to personally supervise the work and assume overall responsibility. 各省、自治區、直轄市的主要負責人親自抓扶貧工作,並負總責。
- Emphasize stabilize and strengthening agriculture so in the center of, it is to assume overall responsibility overall situation, cogitative, rich far-sighted. 中心如此強調穩定和加強農業,是總攬全局、深思熟慮、富有遠見的。
- The provinces shall assume overall responsibility,while the counties shall formulate concrete measures for implementation in the villages and ensure that the individual households benefit from the work. 切實落實扶貧工作責任制,堅持省負總責,縣抓落實,工作到村,扶貧到戶。
- The third question I want to discuss is how to introduce,in our scientific and technical units,the system whereby directors of the research institutes assume overall responsibility for work there under the leadership of the respective Party committees. 第三個問題,講講在科學技術部門的各個研究所中,怎樣實現黨委領導下的所長負責制。
- For instance,we have said all along that in a factory the director should assume overall responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee,in an army unit the senior officers should do so,and in a school the principal. 比如,我們歷來說,工廠要實行黨委領導下的廠長負責制;軍隊是黨委領導下的首長分工負責制;學校是黨委領導下的校長負責制。
- The provinces shall assume overall responsibility, while the counties shall formulate concrete measures for implementation in the villages and ensure that the individual households benefit from the work. 切實落實扶貧工作責任制,堅持省負總責,縣抓落實,工作到村,扶貧到戶。
- The third question I want to discuss is how to introduce, in our scientific and technical units, the system whereby directors of the research institutes assume overall responsibility for work there under the leadership of the respective Party committees. 第三個問題,講講在科學技術部門的各個研究所中,怎樣實現黨委領導下的所長負責制。
- The Premier assumes overall responsibility for the work of the State Council. The Ministers assume overall responsibility for the work of the ministries and commissions. 國務院實行總理負責制。各部、各委員會實行部長、主任負責制。
- Article 38 The administrative heads of people's governments at all levels shall assume overall responsibility for the work of flood control,with different levels and different departments responsible for part of work under a centralized command. 第三十八條 防汛抗洪工作實行各級人民政府行政首長負責制,統一指揮、分級分部門負責。
- In implementing the system according to which the factory directors assume overall responsibility under the leadership of the Party committees,we must state explicitly who is responsible for each aspect of the work. 我們在實行黨委領導下的廠長負責制的時候,要切實做到職責分明。
- The Chairman assumes overall responsibility for the work of the Central Military Commission. 中央軍事委員會實行主席負責制。
- Whatever the organization,we need not only division of labour and individual responsibility,but also somebody assuming overall responsibility. 在任何一個組織中,我們不僅需要分工負責,而且需要有人負總責。
- In implementing the system according to which the factory directors assume overall responsibility under the leadership of the Party committees, we must state explicitly who is responsible for each aspect of the work. 我們在實行黨委領導下的廠長負責制的時候,要切實做到職責分明。
- Whatever the organization, we need not only division of labour and individual responsibility, but also somebody assuming overall responsibility. 在任何一個組織中,不僅需要分工負責,而且需要有人負總責。
- Enterprises should institute the system in which the factory director or manager assumes overall responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee,and they should set up effective systems for directing production. 我們的企業要實行黨委領導下的廠長或經理負責制,要建立強有力的生產指揮系統。
- For our scientific research institutes,we've decided to adopt a system whereby the director assumes overall responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee. We've also decided to restore the professional titles of scientific research personnel. 科學研究機構已經確定實行黨委領導下的所長負責制,並決定恢復科研人員的職稱。
- Enterprises should institute the system in which the factory director or manager assumes overall responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee, and they should set up effective systems for directing production. 我們的企業要實行黨委領導下的廠長或經理負責制,要建立強有力的生產指揮系統。
- The Premier has overall responsibility for the State Council. 國務院實行總理負責制。