- In fact we needn't ask others to do sth.like us. 其實我們沒必要去要求別人象我們想象的樣子做。
- If it is not something I would be wiling to do, I will not ask others to do it. 自己不願意做的事,不要要求別人去做。
- What I ask others to do, I must first ask myself if I would be wiling to do. 我要求別人做的事,要先問自己願不願意做。
- Don't stand up when trying to get food. You can ask others to pass the food to you. 取食時不要站起來。拿不到的食物請別人傳遞。
- Ask others to tell how you waste your time, or how you could spend your time better. They may see what you can't see. 請教旁人告訴你你浪費了哪些時間,你怎樣才能更好地管理時間,旁觀者清。
- In some places, rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance. 在一些地方,有錢人請人代為哭喪,是為了講排場,擺闊氣。
- I ask you to teach me every other day. 我請你每隔一天來教我。
- Is that often ask others to do things their own way as if nothing Goodfriend acridine. 我都算系一個自制力比較強噶人,我會控制自己五會虛度光陰,我仲有好多目標沒完成吖,死啦。
- The ICRC works hard both to disseminate information about the conventions and to get governments and others to teach the rules to their armed forces. 國際紅十字委員會一方面大力宣傳日內瓦公約的內容,一方面努力使政府及其它組織對其武裝部隊進行公約知識的培訓。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這裡教一年書。
- If you ask others to take you to the grocery store, you must fit your shopping to their schedule and preference for supermarkets. 如果你請求別人帶你去超市買東西,你就得遷就他們的日程安排,以及他們對超市的偏好。
- Don't be afraid to ask other players for advice. Most DDR players are nerdy and love helping out others to show off their amazing prowess at the game! 不要害怕去詢問其他玩家的建議。大多數的DDR玩家都願意通過幫助他人來炫耀他們在這個遊戲上的令人驚異的威力。
- I am going to teach until my son can earn money. 我教書要教到我兒子能夠賺錢。
- That wayward child is very hard to teach. 那個任性的孩子很難教。
- It is harder to teach than (to) study. 教書比讀書辛苦。
- The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher. 學生相互向老師講了我的壞話。
- At a second conclave, in February in Ankara, they set up a brisk work programme and asked others to join. 今年2月在安卡拉舉行的第二次會議上,他們提出了一份令人振奮的工作計劃,並邀請其它國家加入。
- His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek. 他父母雇傭了一位家庭教師來教他希臘語。
- Education with electrical audiovisual aids of the Party member on the net has other to teach the advantage that means cannot replace, it is hasten of general trends place. 網上黨員電化教育具有其它教育方式無法替代的優勢,是大勢所趨。
- Do not try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 不要班門弄斧。