- He went home ashamed and indignant, full of rage. 他羞憤交集地回到家裡,怒火滿腔。
- For this I feel very sorry and regretful. 表示十分的遺憾和歉意。
- He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated. 他感到羞恥,丟盡了面子。
- It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. 這是自然的法則,悲嘆惋惜是無用的。
- Bid farewell to guilt and regret. 下面找答案。
- Q19. I feel ashamed and dirty I have herpes, is it common? 問題19:我因患有皰疹而感到羞恥和骯髒,皰疹是很常見的嗎?
- May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in disgrace. 願他們永遠羞愧驚惶!願他們慚愧滅亡!
- The vision leaves an indefinable longing and regret. 這種景象留給人們一種莫名的渴望和遺憾。
- He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated, and very lonely. 他感到羞恥,丟盡了臉,非常寂寞凄涼。
- Once again he felt the throb of the recognition and regret. 他又因認出和遺憾而感到心跳不已。
- I am ashamed by and regretful over his damage, and I will think of a way to compensate him. 對於我給他造成的傷害我非常愧悔,我會想辦法補償的。
- He gave her a wry look,something between amusement and regret. 他用頗耐玩味的目光看她一眼,說不清是開心,還是悵惋。
- She was choking with anger, pain, shame, and regret. 她由於生氣、難過、羞恥、悔恨而喘不過氣來。
- Then he was ashamed and was quiet and I went to sleep but, man, he's a ruin. 那時他害臊了,不作聲了,我就睡著了,不過,小夥子,他這個人完蛋了。
- I still admire Lani Guinier, and regret that I lost her friendship. 我仍然對拉尼.;吉尼爾懷有敬意,失去了她的友誼使我感到很難過。
- She could only approach that subject with a pang of sorrow and regret. 每次想到他都給她帶來傷心、悔恨和痛苦。
- The last message from the dying lips would be one of tenderness and regret. 從這雙垂死的嘴唇里說出來的最後的話語一定會是柔情和悔恨。
- Atia looks at her son, but memory and regret triumph over aristocratic pride. Atia看看自己的兒子;但是心中回憶和懊悔蓋過了作為貴族的榮耀.
- The cruelest prison is the one we built for ourselves out of fear and regret. 最可怕的監獄莫過於我們用恐懼和悔恨為自己建造的那一座.
- He was so ashamed and suspicious of the word "love" that he had to put it in inverted commas. 他羞於提到「愛」這個詞,並懷疑它的真實性,因此用引號將它括起來。