- Explain, apologize or argue as you see it. 你可以向客人解釋、道歉或與其爭論。
- Andrea: Interpret the character as you see it. 以自己的理解來詮釋角色。
- As you see it,what are the results of the war up to the present? 據你的觀察,戰爭到現在已經產生了一些什麼結果?
- Question: As you see it,what could this danger lead to? 問:據你看,這種危險的前途如何?
- Question: As you see it, what could this danger lead to? 問:據你看,這種危險的前途如何?
- Question: As you see it, what are the results of the war up to the present? 問:據你的觀察,戰爭到現在已經產生了一些什麼結果?
- The standard ad supported WCF site as you see it today will remain the same. 該標準的廣告支持周轉基金的網站上看到,今天將保持不變。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的書你要借多久都隨你的便。
- When pasted in Wordpad or word, it pasted as you saw it when you copied it. 很重要的說明:當您拷貝和過去單位的文本文件.
- The exact text does not matter, as long as you will be able to recognize this page when you see it in the browser. 確切的文本無關緊要,只要在瀏覽器中看到該頁時能夠識別該頁就可以。
- As you like,Sir. It's entirely up to you. 隨您喜歡,先生。這全由您決定。
- What time would you like to see it? 您想看幾點的?
- Do as you like; it's all one to me. 隨便你怎麼做;對我都是一樣。
- Would you like to see it with me? 你願意和我一起去看嗎?
- There, you may hold it as much as you like. 好吧,你這陣要握到多會兒就握到多會好啦。
- Don't you see it was all a frame-up! 難道你還不明白--那都是誣陷。
- As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap? 既然你喜歡我的連衣裙而我也喜歡你的,咱們交換好嗎?
- Hi, guy, I have got a lot of oranges, take as many as you like. 喂,哥兒們,我弄到了許多桔子,隨便拿吧。
- Did you see it in an uncut version? 你看的是未刪節版的影片嗎?
- My pleasure as long as you like it. 哎呀!畫家:別客氣,喜歡就好。