- The heavy artillery bombardment reduced the village to ruins. 猛烈的炮火使這個村莊變成一片廢墟。
- After an artillery bombardment lasting several days the town finally succumbed. 在持續炮轟數日後,該城終於屈服了。
- Raised earthworks inside the city walls could greatly reduce the effects of artillery bombardment. 城牆以內突起的土木工事可以大大減少大炮轟擊的效果。
- Although the Russo-Japanese War nearly a year after the artillery bombardment, but still intact. 雖然經過日俄戰爭近一年的炮火轟擊,但仍完整無損。
- After an artillery bombardment lasting several days the town finally succumbed . 在持續炮轟數日後,該城終於屈服了。
- The artillery bombarded the enemy all day. 炮兵終日炮轟敵人。
- The military confrontations had gradually evolved to a more symbolic one, commonly known as the Jinmen artillery bombardment. 其二,國民黨已重新得到台灣民眾的認可,也應該有信心去解決這個歷史問題。
- At 22.30 hrs the Soviets hit back with a fierce artillery bombardment which, aided by the torrential rain, slowed the German advance. 在22:30時蘇聯炮兵部隊炮轟德軍,對德軍展開了猛烈的反擊。德軍由於蘇軍瘋狂的炮轟而減緩了推進的速度。
- Later, outside Verviers during the Bugle, the 77th underwent a heavy artillery bombardment and deliberate strafing from German fighters. 後來,突出部戰役時期,在維維爾外圍紮營的第77後送醫院遭受重炮轟擊,以及德軍戰鬥機的蓄意轟炸。
- The model of Jinmen artillery bombardment could be adopted by Israelis and the Palestinians (the Hamas in specific) in pursuing perpetual peace in the Middle East. 撇開法治精神和言論自由這些相對其他亞洲城市的優勢,香港獨特之處恰恰是它的渺小與不平凡,以及它那前殖民地的身份。
- Planes, ships, and artillery bombarded the enemy port. 飛機、艦船、大炮炮轟敵人港口。
- Hou Ching powerful faction of army encirclement Ledeng-EC, making artillery bombardment, the White Lotus Society to the public, it is difficult for the grain, Xiangxietiaoya martyrdom. 清廷派威武侯額勒登保統大軍圍剿,造大炮轟擊,白蓮教眾國糧盡難支,相攜跳崖殉難。
- Since the operation began on Thursday night with aerial and artillery bombardments, Turkish authorities claim that... 自此次行動與周四晚間的空中和火炮轟炸開始后,土耳其當局宣稱...
- The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night. 敵軍一直日夜不停地狂轟濫炸。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野戰炮兵連續炮擊那座要塞。
- He sat out the bombardment in the trench. 他在壕溝內一直坐到炮轟停止。
- It's time for our artillery to hit back. 現在是我方炮兵回擊敵人的時候了。
- The enemy forces crumpled under the bombardment. 敵軍在炮擊下垮了。
- And heaven's artillery thunder in the skies? 難道我不曾聽見戰場上的炮轟,天空中的霹靂?
- The bombardment continued without cessation. 轟炸持續不斷地進行著。