- Xu , W. , Q. L . Bai and X. G. Wu 1995 A preliminary research on improving artificial induced spawning of the carps in frigid area. Chi nese Jour2 [徐偉;白慶利;吳學工1995高寒地區提高鯉魚人工催產效果的初步探討.;水產學雜誌8(1):36
- Pituitary injection given to female mullet for induced spawning. 烏魚注射性腺刺激賀爾蒙以促進產卵。
- This showed changes in serum GTH were similar to that of grass carp and silver carp during induced spawning. 與草魚和鰱魚一樣,當血清中GTH達到一定濃度時,才能實現產卵。
- Mullets raised in ponds must be injected with hormones and vitamin E for induced spawning. 蓄養池的種魚,必須經過催熟處理,注射賀爾矇混和劑和維他命E,來促進魚體排卵。
- Main treatment: Directs to produce, induced spawning , Post-natal and abortion Uterine hemorrhage caused by shrinks incapably and the bad Shrinks duplicate of the womb. 主要治療:引產,催產,產後及流產後因宮縮無力或縮復不良而引起的子宮出血。
- The common hormones for fish induced spawning can also be used for rice field eel. Hormone LRH-A5 is used for stimulating the maturation of gonad. Mixture of hormone LRH-A5 and DOM or DOM singly used for induced spawning. 首先本文研究了不同的外源性激素對黃鱔的催產效果,發現一般用於魚類催產的性激素都可用於黃鱔的催產,LRH-A_5可催熟,使用促黃體生成激素類似物和促絨毛膜性腺激素組合(LRH-A_5+DOM)或單獨使用地歐酮(DOM)有較好的催產效果。
- Many of the expectant mothers had been scheduled to deliver babies by Caesarean section or after doctors artificially induced labor. 很多孕婦計劃剖腹生產或在醫生的人工引產下生產。
- It is artificially induced (usually with ice baths) for certain surgical procedures and cancer treatments. 在進行某些外科手術時,在控制某些癌症時,均可人工降低體溫(常採用冰浴)以降低對氧的需要。
- Through studying biological charasteristics of largemouth bass and basorbing foreign experiences for four years,the writers established appropriate technologies on inducing spawning,nursing of fry,rearing of fingerling and adult fish of largemouth bass. 四年來,在研究了大口黑鱸生物學特性的基礎上,吸收了國內外的養殖經驗,結合實際確立了在水泥池和池塘中繁殖魚苗、培育魚種和池塘主養、配養食用魚的養殖技術。
- Robinia pseudoacacia, a domesticated exotic species with a long history, is an artificially induced variation divided into fast growing and fodder types. 四倍體刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia是我國引種馴化歷史較久的外來樹種,為人工誘交植株,分速生型和飼料型。
- Investigators have discovered many drugs that cure artificially induced cancers in rodents, but when the substances move into human trials, they usually have rough sledding. 研究人員已經發現到,許多藥物可以治癒齧齒動物身上人為誘發的癌症,可是一旦把這些藥物拿來進行人體試驗,之後的路就變得非常的崎嶇。
- Salinization is often artificially induced by insufficient irrigation (overextending irrigated areas) and by indiscriminate deforestation of semi-arid regions. 鹽漬化主要是由於人為的灌溉不足(過度地增加灌溉面積)或是過度地砍伐森林所造成的。
- The results show that natural dilapidation of the safe roof is not good,but using the artificial inducement dilapidation technology and carrying out the reasonable order of extracting and ... 結果表明,安全頂板自然崩落性差,採用頂板人工誘導崩落技術,實施合理的采、放順序,可以保證礦體的安全回採,為地下礦體連續回採和頂板安全管理提供了科學依據。
- Artificial Induced Autotetraploid in Naked Seed Rice 裸粒水稻同源四倍體的人工誘導
- Effects of coy carp broodstock density on the induced spawning results 親魚密度對錦鯉催產效果的影響
- This dress is made of artificial fibers. 這件衣服是人造纖維的。
- Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness. 她以矯揉造作的快樂掩飾著內心的悲痛。
- I can't stand his artificial smiles. 我受不了他的假笑。
- I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist. 牙醫給我鑲了顆假牙。
- Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants. 人工供暖能促進植物生長。