- Though Nalanxingde did not start a new style officially, his poetry and opinion, showed in his articles and essays, were inneglectable component in Qing poetries. 納蘭性德雖未開宗立派,標舉詞張,但散見於他的詩詞作品、雜識筆記、書信序文中的詞論觀點是清代詞學不可或缺的重要組成部分。
- Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman. 主題標目 Sterne; Laurence; 1713-1768.
- They share the same beliefs and opinions. 他們分享同樣的信念和觀點。
- Sam placed his new book on one side for a year while he wrote some magazine articles and informative material. 薩姆把寫新書的工作擱置了一年時間,在這段時間裡他寫了一些雜誌文章和報道材料。
- Articles and pronouns are not extracted. 冠詞和代詞不提取。
- Meanwhile, you are allowed to feedback your thoughts and opinions regularly to develop our program and the club. 及時反饋自己的意見和建議,以便不斷提高我們節目的質量和促進俱樂部的發展。
- Read articles and papers written by Microsoft MVPs. 閱讀由Microsoft MVP撰寫的文章和報告。
- Titles of articles and papers you have published. 曾發表過的文章,論文題目
- StepWise - news, articles and a software archive. StepWise-新聞,文章和軟體歸檔庫。
- You must try to discriminate between facts and opinions. 你必須設法把事實和看法區別開來。
- To write articles and books remains Mr. J's goal. 寫文章和出書仍是J先生的目標。
- Please cut out newspaper articles and pictures. 請將報紙上的文章和國畫剪下來。
- Distinguish between facts and opinions in research reports. 在研究報告中明確區分事實和觀點。
- I wanted to impress them so I went armed to the teeth with copies of articles and papers I had written. 我想給他們留下好印象,因此我把我寫的所有的文章和論文都帶去了。
- It was produced by mutual sacrifices of interests and opinions. 它是由利益與意見的相互犧牲所產生的。
- TV can be a medium for giving information and opinions. 電視是傳遞消息和觀點的媒體。
- My father wrote an article and made a night of it last night. 我父親寫一篇文章,昨天晚上幹了一夜。
- You must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions. 你必須學會把事實和看法區分開來。
- Newspaper always confuse to seperate facts and opinions. 報紙時常不打算把事實與意見區分開。
- But it cannot be removed by writing articles and holding debates. 這樣的隔閡,不是寫文章、辯論就可以消除的。