- He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist. 他是一個狂妄的自信滿滿的唯物論者。
- Pretentiously arrogant and overbearing. 狂妄地傲慢和專橫
- In a pretentiously arrogant and overbearing manner. 不可一世的以狂妄地傲慢和專橫的態度的
- She was selfish, arrogant and often callous. 她自私傲慢, 而且往往冷酷無情。
- We should never become arrogant and cocky. 我們永遠不能驕傲, 不能翹尾巴。
- She is very arrogant and is always unapproachable. 她那個人非常高傲,總是拒人千里。
- He really laid into her,saying she was arrogant and unfeeling. 他痛斥她,說她傲慢又無情。
- He really laid into her, saying she was arrogant and unfeeling. 他痛斥她; 說她傲慢又無情.
- Constellation temperament:dignified, calm, arrogant and stability! 星座氣質:威嚴,冷靜,孤傲,穩定
- Look down upon those arrogant and selfish and wiseacre men. 狠狠的鄙視自以為是的''帥''男.
- Never be arrogant and impetuous when life is smooth. 身處順境一定不要驕躁。
- He sank his arrogance and apologized. 他忍氣吞聲做了道歉
- He was knowledgeable but arrogant and lived a secluded life in the countryside. 他博學多識,性情孤傲,隱居鄉里,
- None of us ought to become arrogant and conceited because of our contributions. 我們不應該為自己的貢獻居功自傲。
- It is impolite to be arrogant and brag about oneself or ones inner circle. 對自己或者自己的圈內人表達的自大或者自誇都是不禮貌的。
- Thus doth Allah, seal up every heart - of arrogant and obstinate Transgressors. 真主這樣封閉一切自大的高傲者的心。
- Some individual Singaporean are shallow, arrogant and self-righteous. 不只才疏學淺,你們中有些人還自以為是,傲慢無知。
- For society to even define quality of life is arrogant and judgmental. 針對社會來說,甚至給生活質量下定義也是自以為是和吹毛求疵的。
- But this can not restrain developers slightest arrogant and overbearing. 但這絲毫阻止不了開發商的蠻橫和霸道。
- It adds up to scientific arrogance and danger. 那最後將導致科研中的狂妄自大和危險。