- history of archaic Chinese phonology 古音學史
- She spent her time after class studying archaic Chinese. 她利用課餘時間增修古漢語。
- Nuo is a kind of cult for banishing the ghost in archaic Chinese society. 儺是中國古代社會一種驅鬼逐疫的祭儀。
- Their dialects and customs provide an unique perspective into ancient northern Chinese phonology and Chinese culture. 客家方言和習俗給人們提供了一個獨特的研究古漢語和中國文化的方法。
- Independence of syllable and affection among units in syllable is the basic structure and change principle of Chinese phonology. 摘要音節的獨立性以及音節內部各單位的相互影響、制約是漢語音系的基本結構格局和音變機理,其在漢語音系的演變中起著重要作用。
- By this try to set up a more systematism frame for the theory of citing allusion in archaic Chinese. 在此基礎上,嘗試為古代漢語用典修辭理論建立起一個較為體系化的構架。
- In order to understand this novel written in classical Chinese, one must have a profound knowledge of archaic Chinese. 想要讀懂這本文言小說,必須有紮實的古代漢語功底。
- This paper presents ways of processing and significance of archaic Chinese corpus from following aspects: selections, tagging, uses. 本文從語料庫的語料選取、標註及應用等幾方面闡述古代漢語標註語料庫的建立方法及意義。
- Compared well-known annotations with their original sentences in ancient books, this paper presents different kinds of nature and cases of elliptical sentences in archaic Chinese. 摘要從古籍之名註釋與古籍原句對比觀察古漢語的省略句,可以看出省略句的種種不同性質和情況。
- The Vowels of Chinese character pronunciation in the South Korean language can be divided into high and level, rising and entering tones which, in traditional Chinese phonology and modern phonetics, are different from those in modern Chinese ones. 韓國漢字音的韻母可分陰聲韻、聲韻和入聲韻,這些韻母從中國傳統音韻學和現代語音學的角度同現代漢語的韻母相比,有不同之處。
- Contributing to the recent achievement on the reconstructio n of consonant cluster,syllable structure,and cognate words of Sino Tibetan lan guages,the study of old Chinese phonology is getting more scientific. 尤其80年代後期至90年代更有飛速發展,新近幾年又在復聲母及音節結構構擬方面,漢藏語言同源詞擬音方面取得新的成果,推動了上古音研究向科學方向的發展。
- Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones, and the use of bronze metallurgy. 這一時期,有兩個重大的事件。一是文字的出現,發現了刻在龜殼和扁平的牛骨上的篆刻文字;另外就是青銅器的冶鍊技術的應用。
- This essay is to illustrate the usage,value and physical features of extant ancient drinking set and kitchen vtensils ,thus further illustrating the functions of archaic Chinese in today's society. 本文闡述了今天常見的古代飲食器具的具體作用、價值、樣貌,從而進一步闡述古漢語在當今社會的作用。
- The typology of causatives in Archaic Chinese can be divided into four classes: lexical causatives, synthetic causatives, periphrastic causatives, and construction based causatives. 上古漢語的使成類型可以分為辭彙型使成、綜合型使成、迂說型使成以及基於構式的使成。
- modem Chinese phonology in China 現代中國漢語音韻學
- modem Chinese phonology in Japan 現代日本漢語音韻學
- Chen Li was a classics scholar, thinker and Chinese phonologist; however, few people paid attention to the other field-poetry. 摘要陳澧是經學家、思想家、聲韻學家,卻極少人注意到他的詩詞。
- The results show that Chinese phonological awareness of two groups of children with special needs is significantly lower than that of normal children. 結果表明,兩類特殊兒童的漢語語音意識能力明顯低於正常兒童。
- The Shared Accusative Structure in Archaic Chinese 古漢語中的共賓結構
- Phrasing of Archaic Chinese Language 古漢語語法