The ultrastructural characteristics and their functions of ependymal epithelium of the cerebral aqueduct in rats were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. 應用掃描和透射電子顯微鏡觀察研究大鼠中腦水管室管膜的超微結構特徵。
A marked antiepileptic effect was observed during stimulation of periaqueductal gray of midbrain and N. accumbens. 電刺激中腦導水管周圍灰質及伏隔核有顯著制癇作用。
Other cases of congenital hydrocephalus involve a narrowed mesencephalic aqueduct with obstruction to CSF flow. 其他的原發性水腦症也有可能因為中腦導水管的阻滯導致腦脊液流動受阻。