- One should not live for oneself alone. 一個人不應只是為自已活著。
- To appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others. 預先佔有先於他人而佔用、佔有或據為已有
- She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件適合該場合穿的衣服。
- Plain clothes are appropriate for school wear. 樸素的衣服適合於上學時穿著。
- Not suitable to or appropriate for the season. 不適合該季的不適於某一季節的或於某一季節不宜的
- At the end of the day one must decide for oneself about religion. 一切都安頓好了,人們就得考慮宗教的事了。
- Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 運動服用於正式婚禮中是不適當的。
- Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear. 簡單樸素的衣服適合在學校里穿。
- A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season. 套裝適合某一特定場合或季節穿的一套衣服
- There are some things one can't do for oneself. 有些事情是一個人不能獨立完成的。
- Clothing appropriate for swimming, boating, or sunning. 海灘裝,海濱服裝適合於游泳、划船或曬太陽的衣服
- Stake out ten percent of the profits for oneself. 把盈利的百分之十劃歸自己所有。
- He cares only for others and not for oneself. 他只關心別人而不關心自己。
- Appropriate for accompaniment by the lyre. 適合由里拉琴伴奏的
- One cannot do such a thing for oneself. 這樣的事情獨自一個人是做不起來的。
- For oneself This one I shall keep for myself. 這個我要自個兒留著。
- One can't do such a thing for oneself. 這樣的事情,獨自一個人是做不起來的。
- Which Tools are Appropriate for Which Problems? 哪些方法相應適用於哪些問題?
- Vegetables and fruits are good for oneself. 蔬菜和水果有利人的健康。
- Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party. 正式聚會上穿牛仔褲不合適。