- Strategy模式strategy pattern
- 退避三舍(inaction,strategy,argumentetc。)yield and withdraw so as to avoid a conflict
- 首先,提出一種新型的屬性約簡策略ARS(Attributes Reduction Strategy)。Firstly, a new attributes reduction strategy (ARS) is discussed.
- Chris Reech是IBM Global Services Technology Center的一名高級技術人員,他是IBM Global Services World Wide Grid Strategy小組的成員之一。Chris Reech is a senior technical staff member in the IBM Global Services Technology Center and a member of the IBM Global Services World Wide Grid Strategy team.
- 包括對 MPI 中非面向對象介面的面向對象封裝、用 Strategy 模式實現 SPMD 和 MPMD 模型,以及用 MVC 模式解決并行程序設計中的交互問題,等等。I n which, i nclude e ncapsulating n on-object-oriented i nterface i n M PI with object technology, implementing SPMD & MPMD model with strategy pattern and handling the interactive problem in parallel programming with MVC pattern, etc.
- 戰略決策支持系統(Strategy Decision Support System,縮寫SDSS)又稱戰略信息系統(Strategy Information System,縮寫SIS)是決策支持系統的一個前沿領域。Strategy Decision Support System (SDSS) or Strategy Information System (SIS) is a new frontier in the field of information science and technology.