- Modern countries usually apply nuclear technology to civil industries. 現代國家往往把核技術用於民用工業。
- The EPR will provide benefits of the most recent and proven nuclear technologies. EPR將會展現出最近的,行之有效的核技術帶來的效益。
- That includes sensitive nuclear technologies, says Iran, though the NPT doesn't specify. 伊朗還狡辯道,這包括了一些敏感的核技術,然而,條約對此並未詳述。
- A hundred years ago, nuclear technology simply didn't exist. 一百年前,核子科技根本不存在。
- Tehran says it has a right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful uses. 德黑蘭聲稱有權開發用於和平目的的核技術。
- Everything can produce different results for different people, as nuclear technology can be used for the threatening nuke by militarist, but can be applied to generating electricity to benefit human beings. 任何事物不同的人使用都會有不同的結果,比如說核,軍事學家就會用他製造核武器危害人類,但是它還可以用於發電來造福人類。
- The project underscores how China is trying to take a lead in developing cutting-edge nuclear technologies at a time it is planning a massive buildup in its fleet of civil nuclear reactors. 該項目顯示出,中國在計劃大規模建造民用核反應堆之際,正努力在開發尖端核技術方面領先。
- It has brushed off offers by the six countries of wide-ranging economic and political inducements, including co-operation in less proliferation-prone nuclear technologies, once it stops enrichment. 對於停止和濃縮后可以從六國處得到的包括在低擴散核技術方面合作等經濟、政治誘導,伊朗並沒有接受,取而代之的是熟視無睹的態度;
- For Iran's clerical regime, gaining advanced nuclear technology means irresistible regional clout. 對於文官當政的伊朗來說,擁有先進的核技術意味著擁有無可比擬的地區話語權。
- APUNEA's nuclear technology can be used for any APUNEA members with purpose of peaceful use of nuclear energy. 第十七條阿普尼亞的核能技術可用於為任何成員和平利用核能的目的服務。
- Yesterday I went to an exhibit on the worldwide achievement of the civil use of nuclear technology. 咋天我參觀了一個世界民用核技術成果展覽會。
- UN officials say IAEA may be able to help address world hunger by monitoring peaceful use of nuclear technology. 聯合國官員聲稱國際原子能委員會或許能以監督核能技術的和平使用來提醒世界性的飢餓。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新來的職員工作專心致志。
- Nuclear technology, an important means of solving environmental contamination, has application potency in many sides. 核技術是解決環境污染的重要手段之一,有著很大的應用潛力。
- A simulated test for measuring the cement grog conveyed by chain-boxes conveyer with nuclear technology was conducted. 對鏈斗輸送機輸運的水泥熟料核子計量進行了模擬實驗研究。
- Mr.Chavez also said American troops should leave Iraq, and that Iran has a right to nuclear technology. 查威斯還說美國軍隊應該撤離伊拉克,而伊朗有權發展核技術。
- Iran's president defiantly refused to meet Thursday's UN deadline to halt its nuclear technology program. 伊朗總統公然拒絕聯合國停止核技術方案的最後限期。
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申請入境簽證。
- The Pleiadians wished to insure their dominion over Earth and imported such nuclear technology. 昂宿星人希望保證他們對地球的統治,並引進了這樣的核科技。
- He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. 他把那筆意外的收入用於償付抵押。