- apical radial 心尖-橈(動脈)
- Assist finance dept. to collect AR on time. 協助財務部門及時收回應收帳款。
- Radial distances from CP or CL are too short. 從投影中心或投影中線的輻射距離太短。
- Coordinate with customers for AR collecting. 遵守公司的信貸制度,與客戶協調貨款回收。
- Seeds numerous, flat, apical end winged. 種子多數,平,頂端末端具翅。
- Ovary with apical, elongate portion ca. 4 cm. 子房具頂生,延長部分達4厘米。
- Sepals triangular, without apical rostellum. 萼片三角形,沒有頂端蕊喙。
- Style surpassing nutlets but not apical prickles. 花柱超過小堅果但不是頂端的皮刺。
- Today you are to pass by the region of Moab at Ar. 你今天要從摩押的境界亞珥經過
- Many stems and toots show radial symmetry. 很多的莖和根都是輻射對稱的。
- Other Titles: Are Suchow Apical Vowels Tagetless? 蘇州話的舌尖母音是否有標的?
- We ar all in favor this plan of testing in English. 我們都贊成英文考試計劃。
- Carpels shortly stipitate, apical beak filiform. 心皮具短柄,頂端具喙。
- A radial part, such as a ray, spoke, or radius. 放射部輻射狀的部分,如光線、輪輻或半徑
- Guys to me? They ar just my toys! 人家只是想聽聽別人的意見嗎,這位小同志!
- Sepal apex without an apical appendage. 萼片先端沒有一頂端附屬物。
- Characterized by radial symmetry. 放射狀對稱的以放射狀對稱為特徵的
- Keep going la! Add oil ar! I must support you ar! 你們真的很棒!希望能看你們一直發光發熱!加油!
- Labellum obovate, large, apical margin undulate. 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,頂端的邊緣波狀。
- Having a radial form, as a starfish. 放射線狀的具有放射性形狀的,如海星