- In any case you must arrive there on time. 無論如何你必須按時到達那裡。
- In any case he can not give up it. 他無論如何不會放棄它。
- In any case, book the tickets first. 無論如何先把票訂好。
- In any case, you'll need to be at the station by nine. 無論如何你都要在九點鐘前趕到車站。
- In any case work does not include time, but power does. 總之,功不包括時間,而功率包括時間。
- In any case, we could halve the benefit. 在任何情況下我們都將利益均分。
- All these rules must be observed in any case. 無論如何,所有的條例都必須遵守。
- We have to help her to pay the debt in any case. 我們無論如何得幫她還債。
- You must keep the appointment in any case. 您無論如何也要赴約。
- In any case, he is a friend of mine. 不管怎麼說,他是我的朋友。
- In any case,I will detain you no further. 那好吧,我不再留你了。
- In any case they will preserve the skeleton. 無論如何他們將保全骨架。
- In any case he can not give it up . 他無論如何不會放棄它。
- In any case,you must get there on time. 無論如何你必須按時到達那裡。
- The police soon arrive in any case of trouble. 如果發生亂子警察馬上會來。
- In any case, the project suffers. 總之,項目會受到影響。
- It may rain tomorrow, but we are going in any case. 明天也許會下雨,但無論如何我們都要走。
- Be sure to try your best in any case. 無論如何都要盡你最大的努力。
- Wife beating is not allowed in Islam in any case! 不管怎樣,伊斯蘭教不允許毆打妻子!
- They must communicate rapidly in any case. 在任何條件下必須保持通信聯絡迅速。