- The Value Added Tax (AVT) anti fake and control system, which is one of the main parts of the National Golden Taxes Project, is developed for VAT supervising and preventing the tricks in VAT invoice that lead to the tax evasion. 增值稅防偽稅控系統是國家金稅工程的主要組成部分之一 ,是為控管增值稅、扼制利用發票偷稅、騙稅 ,防止稅收流失而研製的。
- I was hoodwinked into buying fake jewels. 我受騙買了假珠寶。
- He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out. 他試圖除去有損外觀的污跡,但沒有成功。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他們完全反對新的提議。
- I've been done! The antique is a fake. 我受騙了!這古董是件膺品。
- The salesman cheated me into buying a fake. 那個推銷員騙我買了假貨。
- He looked like a postman but he was really a fake. 他看上去像個郵遞員,但實際上是假冒的。
- Her school work isn't quite up to the mark. 她的功課不大符合要求。
- On closer examination the painting was proved to be a fake. 再經仔細觀察,證實那幅畫是膺品。
- That was just a lot of hot air what Mark said. 馬克所說的不過是一大堆空話。
- War has left its mark on the country. 戰爭給該國留下了不可磨滅的痕迹。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 這一盡人皆知的醜聞給他的事業留下了污點。
- How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin. 馬克。吐溫寫的作品你知道多少?
- Happy anniversary, Helen and Mark! 海倫、馬克,祝你們結婚周年快樂!
- Mark and Barbara are going together now. 馬克與巴巴拉現在正在談戀愛。
- Mark has lost his job and is worse off than ever. 馬克的工作丟了,情況比以前更糟。
- He rubbed out the mark on his book. 他把他書上的記號擦掉了。
- That's not a real diamond necklace, it's just a fake! 那不是真鑽石項鏈,是假的!
- Has she ever written a letter to Mark? 她曾經寫信給馬克嗎?
- On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. 再經仔細觀察,證實那幅畫是膺品。