- The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket. 年度平衡預算的政策是一種刻板的束縛。
- Only good budget is a balanced budget. 只有平衡的預算才是好的預算。
- The president is planning for a balanced budget. 總裁正在為平衡預算作策劃。
- The operation fund of the school is mainly from tuition. An annual financial budget report is required to assure a balanced budget. 本校經費主要來自學費收入,年度財務預算應確保收支平衡。
- We worked hard to cut spending and achieve a balanced budget. 我們努力消減開銷,實現了預算平衡。
- The next day I submitted my own seven-year balanced budget plan. 第二天,我提交了我們策劃出的七年平衡預算計劃。
- Congressional concern with reducing the federal budget deficit in the 1980s led to enactment of the so-called Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit-reduction law, which mandated staged cuts in the annual deficit to culminate in a balanced budget in 1993. 80年代國會對削減聯邦赤字的關注,導致所謂「格蘭姆-魯德曼-荷林斯降低赤字法」的制訂,規定逐步降低年度赤字,以期在1993年實現預算的平衡。
- But he also worked hard to out spending and achieve a balanced budget . 但他也努力工作以縮減消費並實現預算平衡。
- But he also worked hard to out spending and achieve a balanced budget. 但他也努力工作以縮減消費並實現預算平衡。
- We can do all that,and still expect to achieve a balanced budget surplus for the year. 我們預期在完成所有這些目標之餘,本年度仍有財政預算盈餘。
- President Bush tried to climb on the bandwagon this week, echoing Democratic calls for a balanced budget by2012. 本周,總統布希也嘗試趕上這股潮流,當民主黨呼籲到2012年達到預算平衡時,他也鸚鵡學舌一番。
- Without a balanced budget, and therefore a fee increase, it could be difficult for Denmark to ratify the Geneva Act. 沒有平衡的預算,以及為此增加費用,丹麥很難批准日內瓦文本。
- He said many things about economy and a balanced budget that he must have regretted afterward. 關於節約和平衡預算的事,他談了許多,這是他後來必定要懊悔的。
- We can do all that, and still expect to achieve a balanced budget surplus for the year. 我們預期在完成所有這些目標之餘,本年度仍有財政預算盈餘。
- From a balanced budget to international debt that makes us beholden to the Chinese, Saudis, and on and on. 我們對中國、沙烏地阿拉伯還有其他國家是有責任的,如何從平衡國家收支的預算去處理國際債務。
- To maintain an annual balance of soil organic matter,1400 and 1900 kg biomaterial/ha/yrshould be returned to the Soil in lowland and upland. 為維持土壤有機質的年平衡;雨養低地和雨養旱地需分別歸還1400和1900公斤生物物質/公頃.;年。
- In the medium to long term,China will maintain a moderately tightened fiscal stance,with a view to achieving a balanced budget over time. 從中長期看,中國仍將堅持實行適度從緊的財政政策,逐步實現財政收支基本平衡。
- In the medium to long term, China will maintain a moderately tightened fiscal stance, with a view to achieving a balanced budget over time. 從中長期看,中國仍將堅持實行適度從緊的財政政策,逐步實現財政收支基本平衡。
- Depending on the policy being considered, it may be appropriate to examine balanced budget, differential, or absolute incidence. 根據所考慮的政策不同,可以研究平衡預算歸宿、差別歸宿、和絕對歸宿。
- With an auspicious Beginning, our company has made a Balanced Budget in the first year's Business, and has had a small surplus as well. 本公司開張大吉,頭一年便收支平衡,還略有節餘。