- Characteristics: Annual herb, succulent; monoecious, with unisexual flowers. 形態:一年生草本,肉質;雌雄同株異花。
- East Indian sparsely prickly annual herb or perennial subshrub widely cultivated for its fleshy calyxes used in tarts and jelly and for its bast fiber. 東印度稀疏的多刺的一年生的藥草或多年生的半灌木,由於其多肉的被用在果餡餅中和果凍中的花萼以及樹的內皮光纖而被廣泛種植。
- Flos Datura is dried flower of an annual herb Datura metel L. which belongs to the family of Solananeae. 洋金花為茄科植物白曼陀羅Datura metel L.;的乾燥花;又名曼陀羅花、風茄花、山茄子和白花曼陀羅等;全國大部分地區均有分佈。
- An annual herb (Lepidium sativum) of the mustard family, having pungent leaves and usually grown as a salad plant. 獨行菜:一種十字花科一年生草本植物(獨行菜屬家獨行菜),具有刺激性葉子且作為色拉植物而種植
- An Old World aromatic annual herb(Ocimum basilicum) in the mint family, cultivated for its leaves, which are a popular seasoning. 羅勒屬植物一種東半球的唇形科一年生草本植物羅勒,栽培其葉,可四季生長
- Tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber,naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States. 熱帶亞洲的高的一年生的藥草或半灌木,有柔軟的葉子和黃色的花,出產一種強大的光纖,移植到歐洲東南和美國。
- Cordate houttuynia, it is annual herb, also be blindly famous medicinal herbs. 魚腥草,是一年生的草本植物,也是一味聞名的草藥。
- Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions. 十字花科(芥菜族)一年生草本,歐洲亞洲本土的但現在幾乎是全球的溫和地區的野草。
- Knife bean, leguminosae, annual herb, because like a knife which legumes form, therefore, commonly known as "big knife bean", also called "carrying swords bean". 刀豆,豆科,一年生草本植物,因所結豆莢形態像刀,故名,俗稱「大刀豆」,也叫「挾劍豆」。
- Also known as Xiancao immortal grass, grass jelly, immortal freeze, salary grass, for the Labiatae Xiancao an annual herb, is an important drug Edible plant resources in the East. 仙人草又名仙草、涼粉草、仙人凍、薪草,為唇形科仙草屬一年生草本植物,是一種重要的葯食兩用的東方植物資源。
- A tropical Asian annual herb(Abutilon theophrasti) naturalized in the United States,having large,velvety,heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It is an important fiber plant in northern China. 苘麻,一種熱帶亞洲的一年生草本植物(苘麻屬苘麻錦葵科),原產於美國,具有大而光滑的心形葉子和黃色花朵。它是中國北部的一種重要的纖維植物。
- Applying Herbicides to Control Annual Herbs in Artificial Legume Grasslan d. 應用除草劑殺滅豆科人工草地一年生雜類草試驗研究。
- A tropical Asian annual herb(Abutilon theophrasti) naturalized in the United States, having large, velvety, heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It is an important fiber plant in northern China. 苘麻一種熱帶亞洲的一年生草本植物(苘麻屬苘麻錦葵科),原產於美國,具有大而光滑的心形葉子和黃色花朵。它是中國北部的一種重要的纖維植物
- annual herb growing in marshy places. 一種一年生或短命多年生草本植物,生長於沼澤地區,莖中空,葉腎形,上部葉較小,以三個線性裂片為特徵。
- annual herb used as salad green and garnish. 十字花科獨行菜屬植物,一年生植物,被用作沙拉綠色食品。
- Any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers,often used for medicinal and culinary purposes. 花色呈黃或橙黃的金盞菊屬一年生草本植物,經常入葯或作為調味品。
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保險單每年的保險費是三千元。
- The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million. 這家公司的年營業額為7500萬英鎊。
- I had to take the herb tea although it's bitter. 雖然湯藥很苦,我還是不得不喝了。
- An annual holiday is a big expense. 一年一度的假日是一筆大開銷。