- Characteristics:This machine is composed of vibrating platform, air blowing system, vibrational stepless speed change mechanism and angular adjusting mechanism both in lengthways and cross directions. 振動台篩面按分選作物品種的不同可選用不同目數的不鏽鋼絲編織網。
- Angular forms, outlines, or corners. 角形角形,角的輪廓或稜角
- Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? 七十二歲的我能適應中國的生活嗎?
- I must adjust my watch, it's fast. 我的錶快了,我得把它校準。
- Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 宇航員在飛行中必須適應失重狀態。
- She must learn to adjust herself to English life. 她必須學會適應英國的生活。
- angular adjustable magnetic jig 角度可調磁力夾具
- The angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon. 地平緯度地平線以上天體的角度距離
- Could you teach me how to adjust the iris of the camera? 你能教我怎麼調照相機的光圈嗎?
- A small angular cavity or pit, such as a honeycomb cell. 小窩,蜂巢小窩或小泡,如蜂房的巢室
- A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism. 操作桿用來調節或操作某一機械裝置的突出把手
- Another solution is to have adjustable foils. 另一種辦法是裝上可調水翼。
- The reception is very poor. Let me adjust the antenna. 接收效果太差了。讓我來調一下天線。
- The angular distance between two celestial bodies as seen from Earth. 距角從地球上看的兩個天體之間的角距離
- In this chapter we will discuss angular momentum. 本章將討論角動量。
- That is, the angular velocity is more than doubled. 即所得的末角速度大於原來的二倍。
- He has a more angular figure than his father. 他的體型比他的父親更顯得有稜角。
- An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera. 三腳架一種可調節的三條腿的支架如支撐經緯儀或照相機的三腳架
- Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity. 角動量是一種軸矢量。
- The stroke may be limited by adjustable stops. 該行程可藉助可調的止動螺釘加以限位。