- As a pet name for Westerners (and especially Americans), ang moh has appeared in our press quite often recently. 近日「紅毛」此一對外國人(特別是對美國人)的昵稱數度出現在報章上。
- As a pet name for Westerners (and especially Americans),ang moh has appeared in our press quite often recently. 近日,「紅毛」此一對外國人(特別是對美國人)的昵稱數度出現在報章上。
- Just like back in Singapore, the people are so ang moh sometimes, their chinese really CMI also. 南京大屠殺紀念館,中華門,夫子廟,秦淮河,瞻園,雨花台,南京博物館,明孝陵,中山陵,靈谷塔,總統府。
- Tall and strong,blue-eyed and gray-haired,the ang moh drew curious looks from passers-by when he was serving the local residents. 這位高頭大馬、灰發碧眼的「紅毛人」,出現在設於金文泰聯邦戲院附近的擦鞋檔,替居民擦皮鞋時,路人及「顧客」立即投以好奇的目光。
- Another ang moh, Mr John Scott Parker, acted in a local TV sitcom, The School Days, as a Westerner who makes lots of funny mistakes with his amusingly faulty Mandarin. 另一是G,潘傑思,他就是在環境劇《七彩學堂》里講著半咸不淡華語而鬧出不少笑話的「紅毛」。
- Tall and strong, blue-eyed and gray-haired, the ang moh drew curious looks from passers-by when he was serving the local residents. 這位高頭大馬、灰發碧眼的「紅毛人」,出現在設於金文泰聯邦戲院附近的擦鞋檔,替居民擦皮鞋時,路人及「顧客」立即投以好奇的目光。
- Another ang moh,Mr John Scott Parker,acted in a local TV sitcom,The School Days,as a Westerner who makes lots of funny mistakes with his amusingly faulty Mandarin. 另一是G,潘傑思,他就是在環境劇《七彩學堂》里講著半咸不淡華語而鬧出不少笑話的「紅毛」。
- They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society. 他們都是在新加坡生活的「紅毛」,也融入這個多元種族文化的社會。
- Ang Moh Like Dat Also Can? 「紅毛」醬也可以?
- Ang moh? 『紅毛』嗎?」
- Why are we using Ang Mohs in the Speak Chinese campaign advertisements? Why will learning dialects affect us learning English and Chinese? 講方言學方言又為什麼會影響我們的英語和華語程度咧?講方言真的那麼遜嗎?方言真的那麼沒用嗎?
- They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society.They are not those who, according to the doctor, require extra care or special wariness on our part. 醫生的這一句話揭露的是一個令人難過的事實:某些新加坡人擺 脫不了自己內心中妄自菲薄的心理障礙。
- Since childhood we have learned from Western movies that ang mohs are champions of justice and defenders of the world order who are eloquent, well-educated, sensible, handsome and beautiful. 自小在電影中接收到的「紅毛」形象就是具正義感、善道能言的俊男美女,也都是受過良好教育,知書達理的世界警察角色。
- Since childhood we have learned from Western movies that ang mohs are champions of justice and defenders of the world order who are eloquent,well-educated,sensible,handsome and beautiful. 自小在電影中接收到的「紅毛」形象就是具正義感、善道能言的俊男美女,也都是受過良好教育,知書達理的世界警察角色。
- Ang moh?" 『紅毛』嗎?」
- The MOH should revive its stockpile of tamiflu. 另一方面,衛生部應確保抗流感藥物儲存充足。
- Are we looking at the Ang Lee of music? 我們看到了一個音樂界的李安嗎?
- Ang, Ien. Watching Dallas. London: Methuen, 1985. 《觀看〈達拉斯〉》。倫敦:梅圖恩出版社,1985年版。
- Miss T'ang opened her eyes wide in amazement. 唐小姐也睜大了眼。
- Feature audio commentary with Director Ang Lee. 導演李安解說音軌。