- Contemporary Music for Ancient Dance: Ethno/Musicological? 現代音樂為遠古舞蹈伴奏:民族/理論音樂學?
- The ancient dance of China went through embryo and childhood stages in a primitive society. 我國古代舞蹈在原始社會中渡過了萌芽、形成期,
- Wu Yu is the ancient dance in the dance of God, used by the main props are drum fan (also known as the "drums of peace" or "peace of God"). 巫舞在古代是娛神舞蹈,所使用的主要道具是扇鼓(又名「太平鼓」或「太平神」)。
- Point out for 21 teams, who were drums, cymbals, Yun Luo, small cymbals, dance side of the playing side, powerful drums, ancient dance, Chen law clever design change. 鼓隊編列21人,分別持鼓、鈸、雲鑼、小鑔,邊舞邊奏,鼓點雄渾,舞姿古樸,陳法圖案變化巧妙。
- The article, by exploring and concluding words related to ancient dance accumula ted in Interpretation of Words, reflects subtle contents in ancient Chinese danc e: farming in the ancient society, pristine religious service and ancient huntin g life. 本文對《說文解字》一書中有關古代舞蹈的收字作了較詳細的考察和歸納 ,認為從中反映了中國古代舞蹈較複雜的內容 :古代社會的勞動生活、原始宗教祭祀活動以及古代先民狩獵生活。
- Day Five: Whole day: Visit local ancient temples from Song and Jin dynasties, including Kwan-yin Temple, ancient dance building and cultural relic exhibition of Saishecollected by the local people. 全天:參觀當地宋金元以來的古廟、觀音堂、古舞樓以及從民間搜集的賽社文物展覽。
- These dances still exist today, with old Dongba people still performing according to the ancient dance steps. 這些舞蹈至今猶存,健在的老東巴尚能按譜起舞。
- The resource of Chinese ancient dances is so rich and plural that it is heritable and exploitable. 中國古代舞蹈是豐厚和多元的,其資源更是可開發和利用的。
- But after Taoism and Bud-dhism thrived, they also assimilated many local ancient dances into their religious activities. 但道教、佛教興起后,在他們的法事活動中,也吸收了不少本土的古代舞蹈。
- A paintbrush dipped full of ink draws quickly across the stretched canvas, the figure of an ancient dancer is slowly formed. 一隻畫筆飽蘸了顏料后快速地在畫紙上畫著,一個古裝舞姬的身影漸漸成形。
- After dinner we paired off and went to dance. 飯後我們成雙成對地跳舞去了。
- JAPAN. A flute-player for the Bugaku dances, ancient dances of Asiatic origin, which were kept alive in Japan for the entertainment of the Emperor and his Court. 1951. 1951年,日本,一位舞樂笛手。舞樂是一種起源於亞洲的古老舞蹈,至今仍是皇室宮廷的一項娛樂。
- She made a sequence of dance movements. 她做了一個連續的舞蹈動作。
- He went up to her to ask her for a dance. 他走到她跟前,請她跳個舞。
- He can no more sing than I can dance. 他不會唱歌正如我不會跳舞一樣。
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客棧曾經是一個古老教會的房子的一部分。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律規定,這些古老的建築應該保存。
- The girls are making up for the dance. 女孩子們為了參加舞會正在化裝。
- I think I'll sit out the next dance, I am tired. 我想不跳下一個舞,我累了。
- I have ancient scrolls and other rarities. 我有古書卷等珍品。