- At the same time they are having an illicit affair. 這時候,他們就開始明修棧道,暗度陳倉。
- Moderately overweight men: 19 percent would consider an illicit affair. 略有超重的男人;19%25的男人會考慮風流韻事。
- A love affair, especially an illicit one. 偷情尤指不正當的男女關係
- Running his wealthy Istanbul family's export business, Kemal was 30 when he had an illicit affair with a distant cousin, Fusun, an 18-year-old shopgirl who aspired to be an actress. 當凱末爾與一位18歲的商店女孩發生不倫私情時,30歲的他正管理著伊斯坦布爾其富裕家族的出口業務。這名女孩名叫扶桑,是凱末爾的遠房表妹,她渴望成為一名演員。
- A drug, especially an illicit or addictive one. 麻醉劑尤指非法使用或使人上癮的麻醉劑
- The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star. 據說那個法官與一個電影明星私通。
- A cheap, illicit affair with the woman you love? 廉價的、違法的韻事,跟一個你「愛」的女人,
- The mayor's illicit affair was exposed. 市長的風流韻事被兜了底。
- An illicit drug, especially marijuana. 大麻一種毒品,尤指大麻
- An illicit drug,especially marijuana. 大麻一種毒品,尤指大麻
- She slipped outside for an illicit cigarette. 她溜出去違禁吸煙。
- He had an illicit association with Jane. 他和簡曾有過不正當關係。
- Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose. 秘密的,暗中的保密的或秘密進行的,常為隱藏一個非法的或不正當的目的
- Kaijie buys a condominium unit for Jinfeng to stay in and both continue their illicit affair. 凱傑買公寓給金鳳住,維持兩人不正當的關係。
- Should an illicit union bear tainted fruit, have nothing but pity for the offspring. 因為這樣違禁的結合如果有了骯髒的結晶,那麼除了那孩子無盡的痛苦什麼也不會留下。
- If the Vodafone deal changed this, it would put an illicit 89% of Hutchison Essar in alien hands. 如果沃達豐收購改變這種股權結構的話,那麼和記埃薩爾外資持股的比例將達到89%25,這就違反了印度的法律。
- Man (Lim Yu-Beng) and Boy (Loo Zihan) have been in an illicit relationship for years. 男子(林長友)和少年(羅子涵)已經在一個非法的關係多年。
- And the Shining Path, copying tactics from Colombia's rebels, has reinvented itself as an illicit drug enterprise. 光明之路仿效哥倫比亞叛軍策略,轉變為非法販毒集團。
- For many years, the Empress and CROWN PRINCE WAN, her stepson, have had an illicit liaison. 耿直勇猛的二王子,究竟為誰效力?
- If the critique is that the artist gets an illicit joy or thrill from such work, the only unexamined word there is 「illicit」. 如果批評家稱,藝術家從中獲得非法樂趣或刺激,那麼唯一未經核對的辭彙就是「非法」。